三年级英语下册 Unit6 How many?Part A Let s talk 优质课教学视频







三年级英语下册 Unit6 How many?Part A Let s talk 优质课教学视频

三年级英语下册 Unit6 How many?Part A Let s talk 优质课教学视频

三年级英语下册 Unit6 How many?Part A Let s talk 优质课教学视频由听课站收集整理,听课站视频主要涵盖中小学优质课视频,公开课视频,示范课视频,获奖课视频,说课视频,模拟上课视频,模拟试讲视频等,通过多年的不断更新与完善,优质课视频内容丰富,是一个强大的教师优质课听课平台,如果您需要观看更多关于小学英语教学视频的教学视频请到小学英语教学视频栏目观看。如果您觉得该视频不错请别忘了将该视频进行转发分享到微信、QQ空间等,让更多的人一起学习,同时也请记住我们的网站【听课站 https://www.tingkez.com】。

课题:三年级英语下册 Unit6 How many?Part A Let s talk 优质课教学视频

  三年级英语下册 Unit6 How many?Part A Let s talk 优质课教学视频

  说话人 1

  Hi, hello, sorry, a R R R park. Yes, today they will go to the park. So they say, I said, so you are okay, great. Yes, today let's go to the park with our friends. Look at some park. So, okay, good. It's so big. It's a big part. What else? Iye ice. A post. Iya enggak source. Oke ya.

  说话人 1

  Nice. Kecam. Q and q and the point. Oke action.

  说话人 1

  Pt. Show nya ash.

  说话人 1

  Ipo. Hey. Oke pak sehingga oke.

  说话人 1

  Yummy and boy cnn. T. Shaft. R. Thanks gi.

  说话人 1

  Cil. John and us will be me. Where are you looking at earth. Maybe you looking. And the third increase. Nice guest. Look at first. What else? Please look at the cat's sharp eyes. And now let's go and see.

  说话人 1

  Wow, very birds in the. Yes, yes, yes. I have a question for you. How many birds do you see? Okay, read after me. How many birds do you see? Go. How many birds do you see? Nice. Carry. Why? Please burn. Good talk. Is it? I say 11. Oh, place the first read after we click how many books? Good. Try. Cute boys and girl.

  说话人 1

  Hi, bird. Thank you. How many birds do you see? Now, look, discount further. Basket time. You can say, I see first. Oh, yes, you see birds. How many birds? I even, I said even. Oh, thank you. And please look at here, 10*11. Yeah, yeah, nice. Can you read? Nice. Good. Great. Thank you.

  说话人 1

  Sandwich. Good. And last, boy, can you try it? Thank you very much. Can live. There are 11 birds. What about the cats? Now let's do pure work, boys and girls. Let's do pure work. Ask and answer. Okay, good.

  说话人 1

  Thank you.

  说话人 1

  See you guys. Okay, now, boys and girls, time zone. Okay, I am YouTube. I see. Yeah, from the floor, you should have sharp eyes. You find 12 cats. Nice. Now, please, boys and girls, read up to me. Well. Well, 12 now. 12,12 now. Ready to be well. Thank you. And said you bye. Thank you. And thank you. Well, good job. Yeah, girl. Yeah, that's true. Well, thank you very much.

  说话人 1

  Well, so Shawn and Hu Binbing are looking at the cats. What about our friends? Amy is the one, are these kids, are these cats one Mister? No, two. Are these cats one 2, height? Yes, kite. So we can say.

  说话人 1

  hey look at the time for one time look at the tight look and the heart expertise no how many cards i have two questions for you once and girls now lets read one go how could you guys? five m Eleven thirty Eleven twelve oh thirty two question two how many?

  说话人 1


  说话人 1

  eleven smell d okay now lets watch here now lets watch。 look at the kites wow so beautiful how many pids do you see one two i see twelve no the black one is a bird 25 yes so how many kites just Amy seed boy well youre right thank you its hot about what is a hot above short palm hello MR eleven is eleven you try oh any seed twelve kites and jump posts youre never kite how many kites do you see how many tight do you see you like egg please eleven kite thank you using eleven kite now whats that this tomboy is it tight thank you this tomos yes the last one the。 last one yes is it a kite no isnt its a bar well i like your answer its a bar so we can say seven one is a bird thank you now please read after me the black one is a bird thank you good the black one is a bird very nice boy the black one for good intonation and you please。 One bird. Let's try. And the tall girl.

  说话人 1

  Yes, red one is a bird. Okay, this flag, the black one is a bird. Very nice. And how about you? Good. Thank you very much. The platform is the bird. Okay, boys and girls. Now let's listen it imitate. You can avail book and try to page 58. Okay, yes, let's try it now. Can you please run read in the point. Okay, read in point two, three, beautifully. Pay attention to the intonations. Okay. Okay. Now. Okay, let's listen and look at the food. Yeah, look at my point, please. Point. Look at the pies. Look at the highest. Wow, so beautiful. Wow, so beautiful. Oh, pretty good. You see how many lovely day 1,2. I see Tian, 1, u, I, C, row. No, the blackboard is a bird. No, the language bird. Oh, oh, good invitation. And now it's your turn to read. Let's read in rows. One is Amy and one is John Peng. Here are two tips for you. Read correctly and currently to read with emotions and actions. Later you can realize it. Look at the time. Okay. Knowledge ring. Okay.

  说话人 1

  Thank you. Thank you. In other words, okay. Wow, everyone.

  说话人 1

  Wow, you're so active. Hello. I like your hips. How about, thank you about this. Two girls. Yes. Look at that. How many cash? You see one here. I see. Now the black one is a bird. Thank you very much for that.

  说话人 1

  Let's see how much stars, how many stars can they get well read correctly and quickly. How many stars? 3. Good. Two railways, emotions and action three are 6. Sarah, it's good for you.

  说话人 1

  Now I have Sarah, I have two flowers for you. Okay? And the west group, you wanna try? How about you wife? Okay, wow, she's so beautiful. How many cats? One, two. I see. No, the black. Perfect. Oh, how big him for them. Very nice to fly the hunting stars and shed 3 to 3 and 3. I see one boy you read with actions like one, two, but the other boy, he doesn't do with body language. So maybe two. Okay, five stars for you, but I still wanna give you a blue flower for your courage. So where's the girls? Now it's time to get.

  说话人 1

  How about you? Is there any. Let's add food. So, hello, I'm Zhang Peng. Hello. And look at the kite. So beautiful. How many cups do you see? Why to I see now. no the black one is a bird oh clear OK thank you for your help Amy now boys and girls lets get attention to the details。

  说话人 1

  say loudly, say fluently and say use the body language okay make it tell me for you lets at and jump lets at 60 多二年级了。

  说话人 1

  no please no。

  说话人 1

  接下来的。 one two,three。

  说话人 1

  26 小时。

  说话人 1

  okay one oh so many hands again nice how? its hard for me how about sixty or huge? okay cool lets go。 first lets say hello hello introduce yourself hello i。 one two old boys and show your fingers one two three go yes。 what do you see one two? i see trial no that one is a bird? oh how so boys and girls please check first one how many stars play ligence three three three three source again yeah a three three hi you are good performers now i have a sound for you very nice and how about you teaching how about teaching?

  说话人 1

  哈喽,张控 hello i m 好 one two three four many Kite wow the beautiful how many kite do you see what?

  说话人 1

  no the black one is a bird oh ah its a girl you can say。

  说话人 1

  well yes youre right now so very thank you for you now how many stars can they get what lovely two two two feel the girl should stay more lovely night two 软清。

  说话人 1

  and three actually three so they can get seven stars give for you eight seven clothes so many hands of you so this pie lets challenge lets try to say more yeah lets try to say more you can say like this i like the red one its a fish heart or i like the green i i like the in the blue one are you clear try to say more lets chat yourself say it again。

  说话人 1


  说话人 1


  说话人 1

  sir have you finished are you okay so youre okay please decorate let me know thank you how about these two boys okay come one yes in this。 get come here it first。

  说话人 1

  three go look。 how many cats and?

  说话人 1

  i finished? how many kites do you see please not look wait use these sentences try again fish boy how many blockers before how?OK,yes,no。 Yeah, that's the cow. Got you. Hey, wow.

  说话人 1

  The next, now, the next one today. Now the red line in front verb. Yes, you're right. Now give me five. Thank you very much. Give me five. Okay. Thank you for your courage. Now, boys and girls, how many stars can they get would love to start actions to do more endless try to say more 2 more one, one, 2, maybe one for the 5 stars for you.

  说话人 1

  Okay, thank you very much. Thank you. Welcome. Go tighter. So which group can be better? Which group can be better? Let me back. How about thanks to boys? Yes, you two. Last two.

  说话人 1

  Hello, I'm jump ho. Hello, I'm Amy. 1,2,3. Wow, as the car. Wow, so beautiful. How might be time? Do you see?

  说话人 1

  I see.

  说话人 1

  No, the blank one is a bird. Oh, at all. Do you like? It's a red one. And which one do you like? Sure. I like I Emma, right? Perfect. Are you like the red one, right? How about you?

  说话人 1

  Which one do you like? I like. Hi everyone. So red as a red fish kite. Okay, thank you very much. The first five present. Okay, you're so very important. Thank you very much. Okay, yeah. So boys and girls, how many stars can they get? Only one, I think. Maybe two stars for them. Yeah, and similar. That's what I say. Oh, three stars for that. Two. Let me. And one. Let me. Three stars. Okay, boys and girls, we have a good time. And in the park. Now let's go and buy some food. Yes, let's go and buy some food. Here are many ice cream and the. I know. So who wants to buy ice creams with me? I want to buy some ice creams. One ice cream. Who? I like ice cream. Stew ice cream. You okay? Now let's go. I can't listen. Now look at the ice cream clouds. Be nice. Ice creams. How many ice creams do you see?

  说话人 1

  Oh, I like the white one. Do you like the pink one? Why? Okay, you can have the pink one. You're welcome. Let's go. Are you clear? Thank you very much. You're very helpful. So are you clear? You can choose one thing, buy ice creams or buy apples in the this punk, please pay attention to the tips. Use the core sentences. How many you see? I see and the what color. Okay, now let's see. Choose one thing. Okay, three minutes for you. Okay.

  说话人 1

  Do you like to play?

  说话人 1

  Hi, sorry. Good morning. It's, well, I see. That's really, that's how.

  说话人 1


  说话人 1

  you like happy, you like me, you like。

  说话人 1


  说话人 1

  are you okay youre down please yeah let me go? how about these two girls yes come which one do you choose sing one ice cream okay now lets say one two three go。 how many ready?

  说话人 1

  好 very nice so who here what which ice creams does she like water do you hear?

  说话人 1

  yes the yellow one in the white ice cream the cheelight color yellow one yeah yellow one two now good phoenix for them yeah。

  说话人 1

  thank you go back to your seat oh rock do they say lovely one two。

  说话人 1


  说话人 1

  But your right should say one ugly right actions. Actually, I'm really good. It uses satisfaction for you doing. Yeah, you yes, yes. Background, the yellow ground, the white mom and the sit down. Do they say you're right? Three years he said, do you like the yellow one is active or no? I don't. Okay. Which group can be better? One more group. Okay, time limited about it. I tell you the amount you point one, five or 8,2 help 1,2,3 yellow. You like the temple?

  说话人 1

  Hi. Where is orange? Yes, you can have. Wow, here you have a pear appear. Okay.

  说话人 1

  Okay. Boy, I know how many animals want to know that. Please come to the morning. I really sweet. Three orange apples. Where are these? Okay, 4. Only 4. 4,3 orange, 7 Kate water.

  说话人 1

  Now make 3 and 4 and 4. They are. I see. Yes, 11 apples. Good. Different colors apples. Okay, thank you very much. Now, Phoebe, 1/3 for your courage. Okay, in 1/3 for your action. Okay, now big hands for them. Some boys and girls. So much birthday. Here's your homework page, one lesson and read the dialogue on page 58 three times. And to finish your workbook on page 14. And last one, act out the new dialogue by ice cream or by apples with your friends and don't forget the. Okay, okay, that is a very bye boys and girls. Okay, nice to meet you. So.

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