PEP四年级英语下册 Unit5 My Clothes PartB Let's learn优质课教学视频







PEP四年级英语下册 Unit5 My Clothes PartB Let's learn优质课教学视频

PEP四年级英语下册 Unit5 My Clothes PartB Let's learn优质课教学视频

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课题:PEP四年级英语下册 Unit5 My Clothes PartB Let's learn优质课教学视频

  PEP四年级英语下册 Unit5 My Clothes PartB Let's learn优质课教学视频

  说话人 1

  My class, my girl. Okay, now, first, let's sing a song about clothes. Everybody can help. Well, you are singing. So what clothes do you hear and what color are they? Okay. Okay, that's cool. Hey, what is she wearing? She wearing red blue shark. How about you? She's red green skirt. Amazing. How about you? Being very brave and spray pass Ray has been very brave. And how about.

  说话人 2

  You there? Everyone has one pass. Fail everyone pass revenue and.

  说话人 1

  Merry purple shoes. Purple shoes. Purple shoes and merry purple shoes. You good job. Good singers. Exactly. Now, just like, tell me, what do you hear? Maybe you can say I hear a, remember, please. I hear a white.

  说话人 2

  Hat. Quá.

  说话人 1

  Vãi cả cứt chó quý hiếm rồi đó. Trời ơi.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Sud thể được vá mà lâu quá. Nói chia tay.

  说话人 2

  Ừ. Khiếp lên.

  说话人 1

  Hát. Hairless ơi hát hay thật.

  说话人 1

  shirt loser let me see 耶斯卡 yes the job and ass is this i hear the people shoes the purple shoes okay。

  说话人 1

  so many shoes here purple shoes okay。

  说话人 2

  About it.

  说话人 1

  I hear the green.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Of the Green Birds. Maybe here. Distance this one. Okay, good. And what else would you hear? What is Missy? I wear a green hat. Okay, we have two next. So maybe we can say I hear the three hands. Great. Okay. Now, the students here are very different.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  What are you wearing.

  说话人 2

  Today? Yes.

  说话人 1

  I wearing. School uniform. Wonderful. You are wearing.

  说话人 2

  The school uniform.

  说话人 1

  I know me. Beautiful flowers. Okay, let's take a look. Once she was she wearing, you guys, she is wearing a white dress. A good job. Okay, now let's take a look. Whats the weather its sunny good, its sunny and.

  说话人 2

  A hot maybe.

  说话人 1

  She is very white dress what about this girl. whos this girl? oh you are the girl where are you in the picture and in my school? Okay so in school we must wear the skin unicorn.

  说话人 2

  Goods girl.

  说话人 1

  A girl who she is the girl who you are the girl now.

  说话人 2

  What is she wearing can you tell me.

  说话人 3

  You this she is wearing green or green.

  说话人 1

  T shirt.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Pink a.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Wonderful sit down place so whats she doing maybe she is in the jungle race.yes, yeah oh its cool okay what about this girl? Shiver whats cheaper she is.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Brown hands and black coat oh wonderful so everybody see this girl do you like her clothes yeah oh because she looks so cool.

  说话人 2

  Yes yeah. So i think.

  说话人 1

  When we are choosing the.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Well we are choosing the clothes lets think what do you. Care.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  What do you care.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Needless? I hear about what color is it? Okay, what.

  说话人 2

  Do you.

  说话人 1

  I care about what weather? Like what's the weather? Is it hot or cool? What do.

  说话人 2

  You think? How about is it yourself.

  说话人 1

  You care about? Is it beautiful? Is it cool? Okay, understand that's this. That's.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Maybe we will care about the weather and race school in the and keep it. Khi đang chết là gì gì bỗng hóa học kiểu yêu lại OK biết ạ? Dạ, vâng, rất là. Fuji xerox.

  说话人 2

  Fuji xerox.

  说话人 1


  说话人 2

  Này vì như vậy.

  说话人 1

  Khi essex dạ là lợi ích xét lợi ích expressing love. Xe máy đi qua. Sao không lỗi skin? Xin hết. Nó sex. Đã xóa rồi đá thì sao? Suitcase. Okay, that is Sarah's.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  What clothes will Sarah.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Maybe Sarah will choose the, maybe two ways. Maybe Sarah will choose the 5,7, suspicious. Okay, maybe what do you think? Maybe Sarah will choose the jacket. Oh, good job. You don't jacket. What.

  说话人 2

  Do you think? Maybe Sarah will choose the dress.

  说话人 1

  The dress may be the dress here. Help this time. Let's.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  What flows will Sarah choose? And you can circle your answers on your town's paper. Okay? Okay. Listen, mom, where are they?

  说话人 2

  What color are they? Row. Come. Sure. Jacket. Justice. Where? Mother? Sure.

  说话人 1

  Okay, good job. Have you finished? Yeah, you finished? Who can tell me what clothes will Sarah choose? What do you hear? What clothes will several shoes.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Sarah choose the song, circle will choose star socks. But are you place around the.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  They're on the floor. Oh, they're on the floor. Tell me, are they sucks. Oh, no. Are on the work. Are these us? That's must John Sass. Okay, sounds okay. Good. Here are.

  说话人 2

  The sounds. Socks here. Okay.

  说话人 1

  Good songs.

  说话人 2

  Oh, oh, good job.

  说话人 1

  And we have.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Feet, 1 sock, 2 socks. Good job, socks. Can you tell me what color are Sarah socks? What color are sarasos? Maybe you place they are white. Oh, wonderful. They are.

  说话人 2

  Why? What.

  说话人 1

  About yours? What color are your size? What color are your size, please? Myself.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Pink and pink. Let me see when. What color are.

  说话人 2

  Your. My son are.

  说话人 1

  Black. Emma, my sound are yellow. Oh, good. My thoughts are what? Me? When some are blue myself green. Let me see your brain socks.

  说话人 2

  Okay, good. I start first my someone nice a yeah, good night. Let me see.

  说话人 1

  Yes, you have black socks. Thank you. Thank you. Okay, so now this time you can write socks on the toss paper. Okay. Okay. Let me see who have good handwriting. Socks. Only socks. Have you finished? Yeah, good job. So our seller will choose the salt. And what else will Sarah choose? What Thomas will choose? She will choose the.

  说话人 2

  Shirts. Okay.

  说话人 1

  Where is the shirt? Can you point it out? It's here. Okay, good job. Thank you. So Sarah has a shirt. What color is the shirt? What color is the shirt? It's.

  说话人 3

  A picture.

  说话人 1

  Oh, wonderful. So Carol is Arena shirt. What color is my shirt? What color is my shirt? Okay.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  It's fine. It's why sit down, please. My shirt is.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Okay, here is.

  说话人 2

  A shirt together.

  说话人 1

  Shirt. Sure. I think. Okay, good.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Pay attention. But here, earth shirts. Shirt. Okay, so do you.

  说话人 2

  Like pink shirts?

  说话人 1

  Yeah, you can see you like pink shirts. You can tell me you place. I like T-shirt. Okay, what about the boys? What color do you like? What color do you like?

  说话人 2

  Maybe you list.

  说话人 1

  I like.

  说话人 2

  Blue shirt.

  说话人 1

  I like blue shirt. I like purple shirt. I like black shirt.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  I like red shirt, yellow shirt. When we're talking about the shirt, we can say I like blue shirt because you like all the clothes. What clothes will Sarah cheese? What clothes will serve cheese? You please. Sarah will choose the sweater. Sarah will choose the sweater. But where is the sweater? Where is this structure? Can you tell me? Find the.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Here is. Good job. Here is the sweater.

  说话人 2

  Let's set square.

  说话人 1

  And what color is this mountain?

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  It's green. Okay, good job. It's a.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Sweater, Fiana. Sweater. Sweater. Okay, so sweater. Good.

  说话人 2

  Job. Together swap Sweater.

  说话人 1

  Yeah oh wonderful e a.

  说话人 1

  特 e b swEAter 二二一二二 job together sweater okay now look its sunny outside can i wear the spatter no no no why why can i choose the scatter?

  说话人 1

  So what can i.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1


  说话人 2

  You please. Maybe you can wear.

  说话人 1

  Maybe i can wear the shirt i guess the shirt.

  说话人 1

  Sí, oh, hey, sí, nada. Guau, Guau, Guau, OK Exchange OK Exchange, Oh, Hey here Mains.

  说话人 2

  Oh, Luisiana. Chus. Tienes cero? Choose the.

  说话人 1

  Shorts. Sarah will choose the shorts. Where.

  说话人 2

  Are the shorts?

  说话人 1

  It's on the bed. Okay, good. They're on the bed. Are they shots? Are they sharks? No. Are they sharks? Are they dog.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Okay. So maybe we can put shots.

  说话人 2

  Here together. Oh, wonderful.

  说话人 1

  H 0 r 0 r.

  说话人 1

  Together. Shocks shots shops. I'm too hot. Can I wear.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Can I wear.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  No. Why you.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  It's cool outside. Yes, it's cool outside. I can't wear my Shawn. Maybe I can wear my coat or shirt. Yes, very good. And what else will.

  说话人 2

  Sarah choose?

  说话人 1

  Who are you best? Sarah will choose the ticket. Oh, Sarah will choose the jacket. But.

  说话人 2

  Where is the jacket you.

  说话人 3

  Face? It's on the bed.

  说话人 1

  Oh, yeah, it's on the bed. Is a suggested. Wow, it's a. Is this the jacket? Yes. Let's listen. Jacket. And what color is the jacket? It's pink. So it's a pink jacket. Okay, let's write down jacket.

  说话人 2

  Okay, never. Hey, yes.

  说话人 1

  We know CPA here down. Yeah, it. Yes, gonna drag it. Drag it. Okay, drag it. Okay. Okay. You know, I have a brown jacket. Can you tell me what color jacket do you.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  What color jacket do you have? Maybe I have a black. I hear a product. I have a project. Good job.

  说话人 2


  说话人 3

  Have a purple jacket.

  说话人 1

  I have a Red Jacket. I have a green Jack, a green jacket at school. A green is popular this year. Now here in messy first cold.

  说话人 2

  Sweater jacket. Sure. And.

  说话人 1

  Have you got the right answers now? Yes. Well, you can write down these words.

  说话人 2

  On your pause.

  说话人 1

  Paper. Pay attention your handwriting. Okay.

  说话人 2

  Please. Have you finished?

  说话人 1

  Okay, thank you. Now this time, let's see. Well, Sarah is choosing a clothes. She counts, finds her once, right? And let's see, how does Sarah find her socks? How does Sarah find herself?

  说话人 2

  You know, you please.

  说话人 1

  Where are my new thoughts? Wonderful. Let's say, where are my new socks? Where are my new socks? So what does mother say? What does mother say? That's really together.

  说话人 1

  What color are they?

  说话人 2

  What are.

  说话人 1

  They? Okay, now let's see. When Sarah is looking for her socks, she ask.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Where are my thoughts? And mom says, are they okay? What's color are they? What's are they? What color are they? Can tell me. You guys, they are right. Good job together.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Are white because we have the bus. So we say they are mine. Well, if Sarah wants to find her.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Can Sarah say, wear my shirt? No. What will seller.

  说话人 2


  说话人 3

  You can tell me, Gillis, where is.

  说话人 2

  My shirt? Okay, together.

  说话人 1

  My. One more time, water break.

  说话人 2

  Where is my dress? Or where is my slider? Or okay, my. Hello, Dan.

  说话人 1

  Where is my daddy? And mom will ask.

  说话人 2

  Her what.

  说话人 1

  Are the day? Very good. Now this.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  I am.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Who wants to be my mom, won't be my mom. Maybe.

  说话人 2

  Useless. Hello, mom.

  说话人 1

  Okay, Sarah. Oh, no, I'm Sarah. Mom, where are my thoughts? What color are they? They're white. Can you help me? Thank you. Are. Thank you. Thank you, mom. Thank you, mom. Okay. Thank you. Go back to see now. Can.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Help Sarah find the other clothes? Yeah, you can practice in Paris. One is Sarah and one is mom. Okay, have you finish? I'm having that one to try. Oh, so many people need a maybe Newton good and English. Okay.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Woo, a year.

  说话人 2

  Is multiple.

  说话人 1

  Mama, where are my sons? What color is it? They are white. Thanks. Okay, thank you. That's fine. A good fun. Thank you. Another team, another thing. Maybe two days. Mom, where is my shirt? What color is it? It's pink. Here you are. Thank you, mom. Okay. Good mother. Good mom and good daughter. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. And the last word is the last person place. Okay.

  说话人 1

  Where are red gloves? What color are they? They're white.

  说话人 2

  Here you are. Thanks, mom.

  说话人 1

  Well, you know, Sarah has choose the some clothes here. Yes or no? So do you know why is Sarah choosing flows here? Why is Sarah choosing.

  说话人 2

  It shots? Maybe us.

  说话人 1

  At the maybe, maybe it's hot. Oh, maybe it's hot. And why is Sarah choosing the sweater? Unless maybe it's cool or maybe if I, is Sarah choosing a shirt a few less, maybe it's very hot so she can wear shirt. Maybe. What do you say? Maybe it's mom. Maybe it's warm. Okay. And maybe she likes me. It's a note. Okay, good job. Now this time, let's.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Where is Sarah going?

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  She is choosing the clothes here. Okay, hello. Let's see where is she going. Wow, have you ever been to the bracelet suitable?

  说话人 1

  Yeah, I really want to go.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Where is it? Okay, so if Sarah wants to go to Hunabir Grassland, here are some tips. Look what's the weather like in the.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Us? The boy, hot and sunny. Oh, it's hot and sunny. What can she wear? Maybe she can hear from T-shirt. Oh, she.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Wear. Now listen, where she can.

  说话人 2

  Wear her t.

  说话人 1

  T-shirt. No one else. She can wear her dress on what color is her dress and white dress. So maybe she can.

  说话人 2

  Wire her pink.

  说话人 1

  She can wear her white dress a bit. Good job. Sit down place. Oh, let's see what is getting very cool in the evening. What can she wear?

  说话人 2


  说话人 3

  She can wear her.

  说话人 1

  Clothes. Oh, coat is a good choice.

  说话人 2

  She can.

  说话人 1

  Wear her jacket. Oh, jacket. Okay, good job. Now, the question is beautiful. Very.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  She can also take some beautiful pictures or writing a words. Think about what can she wear.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Taking pictures or riding horse. Just can tell me what do you think she can wear her jacket for running, riding a home. Okay, good job. Jackie is a good choice. What do you think? She can wear her dress for taking pictures or whatever. What color is.

  说话人 2

  Her dress ready? Maybe.

  说话人 1

  What? Maybe white dress. Oh, white dress is beautiful on the right side. Yes or no? Okay. Now this time, please give Sarah your advice. You can see some pictures here. Can you talk about it and give your advice? Yeah, okay. Let's talk about the pictures with the sentence here.

  说话人 1

  Okay, have you binge? Can you give Sarah your advice? Can you give Sarah your advice? Definitely. Please. It's sunny and hot. She. She can wear her red t shirt.

  说话人 2

  Its cool in the.

  说话人 1

  Union she can wear her green sweater huh she can also wear her pink shirt for.

  说话人 2

  Hot right.

  说话人 1

  Oh yes also good job and wonderful and another one okay you please. It's sunny and hot. She can wear her pink dress.

  说话人 2

  It's cool.

  说话人 1

  In the beginning. She can wear her pink jacket. She can also wear her white dress and her pink pants for taking pictures. Okay, you're reading so fast. Wonderful. Clap your hands for her. Okay, good job.

  说话人 1

  Now, this time, you know the Golden Bear person is quite beautiful and funny. Do you want to go to? Yes. Okay. Now, if you can go to the polar bear classroom, what do you want to wear? Maybe you can say, I want to wear my blah blah. Yes. Okay.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Choose your clothes and fill in a next year. Okay. Okay, please go. No Chinese. Pay.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Okay, turn.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  So where mine?

  说话人 1

  You finish.

  说话人 2

  This. Let me see yours.

  说话人 1

  I also want to wear my hat for taking pictures.

  说话人 1

  Okay, have you finished? Yeah, now you finished. Task. Well, now this time, practice in Paris and then you can show practice in Paris, please.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Okay. Everybody are ready? Okay. We can show your dialogue here. We can show the dialogue here. May be hinted place hidden and there comes in advance.

  说话人 3

  I'm going to hold a fair grass and.

  说话人 1

  Great. What's the weather like here?

  说话人 3

  It's house in the day. I want to wear my pink dress, but it is cool. In the evening, I want to wear my pink jacket. Is it that? Yes, I now don't want to wear my yellow dress.

  说话人 1

  For taking pictures. Okay, wonderful. What? Yes, okay, just.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Also. Awesome. Okay, I also want to wear my yellow dress for taking pictures. Thank you, Doctor Z. Another two. Good one.

  说话人 1

  I'm going to put their grassland. Great. What's the weather like there? It's hot in the day. I want to wear my dress, but it's cool in the evening.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Want to wear my.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Is this.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Yes, I also want to wear my dress and.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  For taking picture, a few pictures. Okay, thank you. Listen, my question, what will she wear in the day? She will wear the dress. Okay? What will she.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  In the evening? Do you tell me? She's very cute. Yes, good job. She will wear coat. And what will she wear for taking pictures? Remember.

  说话人 2

  Human. Yes or not.

  说话人 1

  Yes wonderful matters for her and yellow thank you go back your seat okay lets up now this time lets see. After choosing the clothes, can you put your clothes everywhere now? What should we do?

  说话人 1

  Maybe we should pack up the clothes immediately. Yes or not? Yeah, yeah, very good. Now let's see what we have Learned today. We have Learned my clothes and we know how to choose the clothes, right? How to choose the plus. I see what are they're the shirts. Treasure can make stars and stars. Well, how can we find the clothes? You can say, where.

  说话人 2

  Are my swap or.

  说话人 1

  What color are they? Or we can say.

  说话人 2

  Where is my shirt?

  说话人 1

  What color is it? And why are you choosing these clothes? Maybe we should choose the clothes according to the, whether the place, the activity, or how do you like it. Yes or no? Yes, yes. You know that Dragon Boat Festival this time. And maybe we'll have three.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  You don't have to go to school and tell me where do you want to go? You can make a plan for your holiday. You can tell me do you want to go? And for Dragon Boat Festival holiday and what's the weather there and what do you want to wear for your holiday? Okay, holiday. Homework for today, so class is over.

  说话人 2

  Stand up.

  说话人 1

  Goodbye, everyone.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Teacher thank you sit down,please.



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