PEP五年级英语下册 Unit2 Seasons B Read and write优质课教学视频







PEP五年级英语下册 Unit2 Seasons B Read and write优质课教学视频

PEP五年级英语下册 Unit2 Seasons B Read and write优质课教学视频

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课题:PEP五年级英语下册 Unit2 Seasons B Read and write优质课教学视频

  PEP五年级英语下册 Unit2 Seasons B Read and write优质课教学视频

  说话人 1

  To have this class with you. We're going to do some reading and writing during the class. Try your best to get more stars. Are you ready? Yeah, let's do it. First, let's share a poem. Can you read it in Chinese? Yes, Chun Yao go.

  说话人 1

  So what is this poem about? Yes, they are about the. Thanks. Very good. See, thanks. It's also our today's topic. Now, watch the videos and tell me which season does she or he like? The weather is good and the colors are beautiful. Which season does Amy like? Autumn. Yes. How do you know? Because she says the weather is good. So it's talking about very good. And the color is beautiful color. Yes, colors. And next one, Miss White. Listen carefully. Why? Because I like summer vacation. So which season does Miss White like? Festival. She likes summer. Yes. And summer vacation is kind of special day. Yeah, the special day is very good. For example, I like spring very much because my birthday is in spring. My birthday is a special day. Do you know other special day, girl? Spring festival. Yes, it is. Anyone else? Children say wonderful and you please.

  说话人 1

  Labor Day. Yes, Neighbor Day. Great. Okay, let's continue. Zip. There are beautiful flowers everywhere. So which season does zip like spring. Hey, there are beautiful flowers. So the beautiful flowers, is it weather now? Special day now? What's that? Yes, that's what things we can see. That's scenery. Okay. Oh, here comes your classmate. Listen to him. Because I wear T-shirt and shorts. So which season does he like? Okay, t shirts and shorts. What is it about? Yes, it's about clothes.

  说话人 1

  Next one, the last one, because I can eat hot pot at home. I like hot pot. The witches and she like, yes, winter. And in winter she can eat hot pot. So it's about good.

  说话人 1

  Wow, you did a very good job. Everyone gets one star. Okay, 1, two, 3. Face to me look more difficult task for you. Read it together. The weather go. The weather is hot. Which season is it? Summer. Yes, it's summer. Hot. It's about weather. Yes, it's about weather.

  说话人 1

  Now, everybody take out your sheet, read the sentences, and do the match. Pencils ready? Yes. Okay, do it. Go. If you are have finished, raise your hand to tell me.

  说话人 1

  Wow, all of you have finished. You are good at reading. Put down your hands. Now let's check. No. 2, who wants to try it? Go, please. There is lots of snow. It is right everywhere. Winter. It's winter. How do you know? Please stand. How do you know? Because pass is here out of snow and why? So the keywords and the snow is about weather and the white is about colors. Very good.

  说话人 1

  And here comes a tip. Keywords and key sentences can help you read. First read. Who wants to try? Okay, the girl. Look at the green spring trees and pink flowers. Spring. Okay, it's spring. Which words can tell you the answer? Green Twist and the Pink Flowers, yes, Pink flowers, wegantzee in the picture, so what what this is about? Pink flowers, we can seek, yes, the senory very good ock, The Last of readers guetter what's Love it GO? Quieres hacer a la mujer, no vas a hablar de 10 o mañana? Es otra in the keyword. College and leave is about. Very good OK now. How many stars do you have? Who has one star? Who has 4 stars? Okay, all of you are so wonderful. Okay, put down your hands before class. We have read these two book, aren't you? Yes or no? Yeah, yeah, yes. Now we're do compare and contrast. Tell me what does they have in common? What does these two books have in common? Okay, boy, please. They introduce four seasons. Okay, so what are they are? Spring, summer, autumn, winter. Yes, very good. Thank you. Sit down, please. Both of these two books talk about the Four Seasons and what are the differences. Book 1, book 2, okay, the girl over there. Book why is talk about Robin eyes the seasons is in rubbing ice. Okay, look two is funny ice. The seasons okay, you means the seasons in Robbins are that is book 2, book 1 and the seasons in the bunnies are that is book 2. Yes, I got it. Wonderful. And today we are going to read them for more details. Now for book 1, listen carefully and find out which season does Robin like. Listen, Robin like them all.

  说话人 2

  I like spring because there are beautiful flowers everywhere. I like summer, but I can't swim. I want to paint a picture to. I like winter because I can play in the.

  说话人 1

  Snow. Okay, that's all. Who can tell me which season does Robin like? Okay, that girl. Spring, summer, autumn and we winter. So you think Robin likes the Four Seasons. How about you? Do you agree with her? Yeah, yeah, yes. Okay. Sit down, please. Let's check. Look at the picture. Read it. I like go read. So one hard for spring. How about this one? I like. Yes. And I see yes, in this page, Robin says, I, okay, I like I, Robin use, I like to express his opinion, but I didn't hear Robin say I like autumn. So does Robin like autumn? Yes or no? Yes. So how do you know it, boy, please. Because Robin said, wow. When you see something. So what do you feel? I feel excited. Why? You feel exciting and you? I feel surprise and you I feel wonderful. Okay, that's great. And anyone gets other details. Why do you think Robin likes autumn then? girl please Robin is happy why do you know it how do you know it because Robin is heaven how do you know?

  说话人 1

  你怎么知道?因为他的脸上有笑。 yes on。

  说话人 1

  Cool. Okay, sit down, please. And girl, please, I want to go hiking. Oh, go hiking is a good idea. Boy, I want to go fishing. Wow, fishing. Great. Okay, continue now. Here comes tip 3. Reread the book. More information means more understanding. So everybody find out the reasons why Robin likes the Four Seasons. Okay, now everybody pencils ready and open your book, read it by yourself and underline, go to why Robin likes the seasons. Okay, do it.

  说话人 1

  Cannot find it. Maybe you can keep it. Turn the page. Yes.

  说话人 1

  Well, you have finished with your hand. Okay. Okay. Time's up, everybody. One, two, three. Face to me. Yes. Now let's check. Can you read it like this? I like spring. Can you do it? Yes, go. I like free because they are beautiful flowers everywhere. Yes, in this sentence, Robin used because to tell us the raise them. So what's the reason why does Robin like spring? Okay, boy, because there are beautiful flowers everywhere. Living life flowers. Yes. Robin likes for flowers. Sit down, please. I'll show you the flowers. Let's see it.

  说话人 3

  Spring is a season of color, and the brilliant flowers bring energy and figure to Kunming. The gorgeous sea of blossoms creates patterns you'll find only in the Spring City.

  说话人 1

  Besides love.



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