PEP五年级英语上册 Unit 4 What can you do(Part A Let s talk)(无生试讲)视频







PEP五年级英语上册 Unit 4 What can you do(Part A Let s talk)(无生试讲)视频

PEP五年级英语上册 Unit 4 What can you do(Part A Let s talk)(无生试讲)视频

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课题:PEP五年级英语上册 Unit 4 What can you do(Part A Let s talk)(无生试讲)视频

  PEP五年级英语上册 Unit 4 What can you do(Part A Let s talk)(无生试讲)视频

  说话人 1

  No boys and girls here. I have a big Caesar. I will divide you into two parts. This part is tip 1 and this part is team 2. If you have good performance, you will get some bubbles for your price. So boys and girls, come on.

  说话人 1

  Today we will learn. Beautiful. What can you do? Part a, let's talk at first. Let's chant. Show me your hands, seller, what can you do? I can dance. What can you do? I can sing. Amy, what can you do? I can cook. Mike, what can you do? I can do to Kung Fu. Chenjie, what can you do? I can play ping pong. Wonderful boys and girls, all of you have good performance. So each team will get one bubble. Now I have a question for you. Here is a calendar. And what day is this day? Who can answer this question? UK's. Yes, you're right. It's Monday. Clap your hands.

  说话人 1

  And what day? It's this day. Who can answer it? You place. Yes, you're right. It's Tuesday. And we can also say it's next Tuesday. And there is a word. Please follow me. Next nexter, next great boys and girls.

  说话人 1

  And these two words for me next Tuesday. Now your turn. Great. Before next Tuesday, it's the Christmas Day. So the center's clause is coming. Let's see. We can see. Follow the music. Okay, jingle bells, jingle all the way. What fun it is to ride across the Christmas.

  说话人 1

  so boys and girls what will they do maybe they will have a party today maybe will have a Christmas party please follow me this word party miss white will also have a party next Tuesday lets check what party is it who can read this sentence you please yes youre right and there is a key point we all it also means we will so we can also read this sentence where these two words we will have an English party next Tuesday and then what will this white say lets check here is a very important question please follow me what can you do for the party?

  说话人 1

  秋菊, what can you do for the party children if we want to know what others can do for something we can use this question what can you do for blah how to answer this question we can use i can 布鲁布鲁 i can 布鲁 do you understand great now lets check what will Zhang peng say can we read it together one to go i can sing English songs great boys and goes and what will miss what say wonderful how about you John and this word wonderful means great good wonderful wonderful wonderful it means great good do you understand so boys and goes lets read it。

  说话人 1

  together again wonderful how about you John great and what will John answer this question?

  说话人 1

  now all the boys please stand up。 All the boys stand up. Let's read it together. I can do some kunfu. Great. And now let's read it with the action. Okay, let's do it. I can do some kunfu.

  说话人 1

  I can do some Kung fu. Great. Sit down, please. Now, all the girls, please stand up. Let's see what will Miss White say. Thank you, John. Great. So boys and girls, now we have Learned the dialogue.

  说话人 1

  And I have two questions. Let's see. The first question, what can Zhang Peng do? Who can answer this question? Yupis? He can sing English songs. Yes or no? Yes, let's check.

  说话人 1

  You're right. He can sing English songs. We can find the answer from here right now, let's see the second question. What can John, who can answer it? Yes, you please. He can do some kunfu. Yes or no? Yes, great.

  说话人 1

  Let's check. He can do some comfort. You're right again. Now, boys and girls, let's watch and listen. Just listen, sh. Just listen. We'll have an English party next Tuesday. What can you do for the party, children?

  说话人 1

  I can sing English songs. Wonderful. How about you, John? I can do some Kung fu. Thank you, John. Great. Now, fats, listen and imitate. Please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

  说话人 1

  Okay? Are you ready? Go. We'll have an English party next Tuesday. What can you do for the party, children? I can sing English songs. Wonderful. How about you, John?

  说话人 1

  I can do some Kung fu. Thank you, John. Great. Boys and girls. Now let's play a game. Here is a lucky draw.

  说话人 1

  And who is the lucky one is to answer this question. Others ask him or her the question and he or she answer the question. Do you understand? Let's do it. Want to go you please. What can you do for the party? I can do some kunfu. Yes or no?

  说话人 1

  Yes. Great. Sit down, please. Let's do it again.

  说话人 1

  What can you do for the party? Who can answer it? You pace. I can play the PIPA. Yes or no? Yes. Great. Sit down, please.

  说话人 1

  Our boys and girls, let's have the role play. I will give you three minutes and then I will invite some Bruce to stand here to perform the flow play. I already got. Okay, now boys and girls, this group need to stand here to do the role play. Great. Thank you.

  说话人 1

  Please go back to your seat now, boys and girls, this morning, our head teacher send me some messages. Let's see. What are they? Can you have an English party? And I answer, yes, I can. What can your boys and girls do? I don't know. So I will check.

  说话人 1

  So boys and girls, now let's do the free talk. What can you do for our English party? I will have an English party. What can you do for our English party? Let's do it. Start. Okay, time's up. Who can try to talk about your play?

  说话人 1

  You, please. Very good. Thank you. Sit down, please. Any others you praise? Oh, you can do some kunfu for the English party. Really? Thank you.

  说话人 1

  Sit down, please. Now, boys and girls, I will show you our school life. Let's see. I'm a big baker. In almost a break. We can dance. Not a big thing.

  说话人 1

  If you leave, we can see Chinese songs and we can also sing skinny songs. We can draw pictures and we can draw cartoons. I can, we love our picars. We can jump in the picars. It's a yellow, so many. We can play football. It's so very, we can play basketball.

  说话人 1

  And also I gave way. I'm feeling inside. I make a long face. I'm guessing. I think, well, it's not a big.

  说话人 1

  People love writing, but I do feel letter to may miss you much. You also jump three times, but the most important thing is that we can learn different knowledge before school. But it's not rain and tears apart from life. We can tell English stories, we can read books next week. So boys and girls is very important to do what we can do and share what we have Learned.

  说话人 1

  So do what you can do, do what you want to do. Now, the last part is the homework. There are two homework. The first one is listen to the dialogue and read a wrong detailed dialogue to your partners, parents or friends.

  说话人 1

  The second one is DIY a card, our English party or my birthday party. Do you understand? Yes. Great. Boys and girls, class is over. See you again. Bye bye.



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