PEP三年级英语上册 Unit2 Colours A Let's learn 优质课教学视频







PEP三年级英语上册 Unit2 Colours A Let's learn 优质课教学视频

PEP三年级英语上册 Unit2 Colours A Let's learn 优质课教学视频

PEP三年级英语上册 Unit2 Colours A Let's learn 优质课教学视频由听课站收集整理,听课站视频主要涵盖中小学优质课视频,公开课视频,示范课视频,获奖课视频,说课视频,模拟上课视频,模拟试讲视频等,通过多年的不断更新与完善,优质课视频内容丰富,是一个强大的教师优质课听课平台,如果您需要观看更多关于小学英语教学视频的教学视频请到小学英语教学视频栏目观看。如果您觉得该视频不错请别忘了将该视频进行转发分享到微信、QQ空间等,让更多的人一起学习,同时也请记住我们的网站【听课站】。

课题:PEP三年级英语上册 Unit2 Colours A Let's learn 优质课教学视频

  PEP三年级英语上册 Unit2 Colours A Let's learn 优质课教学视频

  说话人 1

  so so are you ready? no okay class gifts stand up good morning bye bye how are you? how are okay? stop please? hello okay today we will have three groups okay you are one you want group two and you are group green if you answer my question you can get a flower good okay follow me flower you can get a llama so are you ready yeah okay first sing the color song okay color song。

  说话人 1


  说话人 1

  everyone blue sing a rainbow no yellow Ive been hungry purple man hungry man blue and sing a rainbow now okay i love your voice and today were going to learn you need to colors yes okay follow me colors? case five? who is coming? whats coming whatll be me Sam Cheng me okay lets say hello hello hello。 go hello bibin hello Sarah hello pandia today they are very happy because theyre going to the park do you know park okay touch now they are as the hard。 oh suddenly it rain yeah it ramp but its okay because they have umbrellas yeah, okay boys and girls what color are their umbrellas what color okay you try?

  说话人 1

  red and the blue okay cuz got it spread it okay now look at this is red okay good okay follow me rat ro rro 嘚嘚嘚 rat okay now read it three by three okay oh okay okay red red。尴尬 red red red red red ready go。

  说话人 1

  red red red red red。red。red。 red red。okay。together。 ready go。 red red。 any other color okay love have been things umbrella is blue mommy blue。blue。blue。blue。blue。blue。blue。blue。blue。呜呜呜呜blue。blue。blue。blue。 okay group one blue blue ready got blue blue okay group one okay group one blue blue ready go group one you together met debug 一起来。

  说话人 1

  okay okay okay blue blue blue ready go blue two low bro three low bro im more yeah。

  说话人 1

  下边的伞是 green Sarah a 他们。

  说话人 1

  green yes or now green yes yes or now yes okay follow me green rock。

  说话人 1

  e n okay keep your mouse open green green ink green where do you go green green 糖糖 here okay now this group okay green green go green green good green okay together green ready go green green okay anymore how about 春节OK?朱佳慧。

  说话人 1

  Yellow. Yeah, yes, yeah, yeah. Love yellow. Yeah, yeah, love yellow. Yellow. Yellow. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yeah, yellow, yellow. Okay. Group 1, Yellow, yellow. Yeah, yeah, together.

  说话人 1

  Now we look, we know. Bing umbrella is red and blue. Sarah is great and Chen Jie is. Okay, good. Okay, boys and girls now look less response quickly. Okay, I show you say okay, great. Are you ready? Yellow, red man. Hello. Yeah.

  说话人 1

  Wifi no Last watch and frío. OK, Oh.

  说话人 1

  Red. Ladybug, Ladybug. Y éste no, éste no. Yes, yes, yes, yes, no lo stalkeas.

  说话人 1

  so Sarah says i see green puzzling i see ready go i see green how about bingbing?

  说话人 1

  安琪问,right? i see right? yes or no? yes yes i see ready go i see right yes woo Bing? these blood dad? how about im sorry how about Chen jie huh think about it how about chenjie who can try let me try how about Chen jie i see blah?

  说话人 1

  can you see blue so we can see blue in the rainbow here okay good sweet anymore i see to look okay 谁清楚。

  说话人 1

  i see purple okay good we can see purple in the Rainbow okay very good。

  说话人 1

  OK 成英语。

  说话人 1

  okay yeah good can you say yeah yellow okay very good stop boys and girls what do we see in the rainbow? what color do we see in the rainbow?

  说话人 1

  red orange oh you know this color you are orange yellow green yeah green green green blue blue Purple yes and we say it in d Indie maybe you can try okay Indie go Indigo yippego its a mixture of blue and purple last color is pearl we can see seven colors in the rainbow yes and seven colors yes 对吗?

  说话人 1

  yes so we can say the rainbow is color yeah colorful colorful colorful colorful colorful colorable。 rainbow is colorable okay now this time show me youre big show me your big okay now and show me your finger turn to page fifteen lets listen pour it and imitate okay lets go one two three a b tag show me your finger i see green i see green i see red i see red yellow green green green blue,blue, blue blue now this time lets reading groups okay okay now reading groups lets go go go yeah。 reading groups。 i see you。

  说话人 1

  day 永远路人民日历,热爱依赖agenda。

  说话人 1

  yellow blue yellow green green brown blue yellow green yellow 月亮。 yellow yellow?

  说话人 1

  baby, one two three baby, three one two three a b, three who can try let me try okay how about this group stand up okay show me your finger stand up yeah this group okay show me your finger okay poying okay。 OK i see green ready go i see green i see red yellow green blue blue you did a good job。

  说话人 1


  说话人 1

  Anyone else who can try? How about this group? Okay, standard. Are you ready? God? Okay. Show me your finger point and great. Okay, I see. Great. Ready? Go. I see great. I see red, yellow, green, blue. Okay, very good. Complete again. I.

  说话人 1

  Okay. Now this time, let's read together. Okay. Show me your finger. I see. Great. Ready, go. I see green. I see red. Red, green, blue, green, blue. Same girls. We know the rainbow is colorful, so they want to draw the rainbow. Okay, now look, they have the crayons. So show me your crayons. Yellow, you say cramps. Crayons. Okay, show me a cramps. You just say crayons. Okay, again, show me your crayons. You just say crayons. Show me a crayons. Okay. Cannot. Last note, watch and okay.

  说话人 1

  show me cream show me cream show me red show me red show me blue show me blue show me yellow show me yellow okay one more time。

  说话人 1

  okay show me your crayons okay show okay show 展示给初老师看 show your crayons okay 来 watch and do show okay。你要一边看一边的过一过,你听到了什么颜色?你们笑不出来,OK? are you OK?OK。

  说话人 1

  show me green show me green show me red show me red show me blue show me blue show me yellow show me yellow okay one more time the last。

  说话人 1

  放那一个不是。 hello show me。行。

  说话人 1

  Bobby Zombie, Samy WAI, Samie, Wags, sammy blue, samy tú.

  说话人 1

  OK Show me.

  说话人 1

  Has enojado, tienda. Ya sonó. Xiaomi. Xiaomi Blue bla blue show. No, we have it up, no Love.

  说话人 1

  Now, look, this is Miss Cheese Rainbow. Yeah. And you can draw your own rainbow after class.

  说话人 1

  OK,OK,OK,你们就是曲老师自己画的彩虹,那你们的彩虹你们课后自己用自己颜色蜡笔。 Okay, hi girls. Now look, are they, there are 2 and 3 friend 2 and they are at the part too. So what does sleep does you see the rainbow? No? Okay. Not that the video. Okay.

  说话人 1

  Good morning. How are you? Bye. Wow, flower look love.

  说话人 1

  Tell me what the see. What does see flower? Yeah, Zeus, please. Some beautiful fly zone says, wow, wow, flowers. Okay. More than one flower. Wow, so many flowers. Okay, follow me. Flowers. Why not? Okay, now, can you be book? Wow, flowers ready? Go. Wow, that's fine. Hey, how about basically flowers? Okay, again.

  说话人 1

  What color does you see this time? Let's watch and feel. Okay. Okay. One, two, three. Hey, hey, I saw me. I saw you. Watch the video. Flowers, flower look, love. Oh, I'm fine.

  说话人 1

  Flower, flowers, flower look. Okay, so what color does. Okay, who can try? Okay, can say now flower, flower. Okay, flower, flower, flower. Okay, yeah, a red flower and more to the place. Yeah, good. And more a red flower. A male flower. Let me try everyone. Flower. Yeah, a blue flower. Yeah, a blue flower. A good. So any other color?

  说话人 1

  Now look at these flowers. Let me cry. Okay. New yuchen. I see purple flower. Okay. Yes. Can you see purple flowers? Yes. Okay, point. I said pink flower. Oh, I like the way. Okay, use this. I dress. I see a pink flower. Hello. Okay, totally not. I see a blue flower, blue flower to see the blue flower tree. Okay, so this time I have some flowers for you. I'll make sure.

  说话人 1

  wow flowers a red flower a yellow flower oh so now lets i okay i will give you one minute to prepare。

  说话人 1

  好,给同学们一分钟的时间自己先练习一下。OK,OK,二三你们hello, 1210 年 Grandpa llama and flower help no flower three new one two one three three so who can be zoo?

  说话人 1

  who want to let me try how about here come here?

  说话人 1

  i can red i can flower ice blue flower i see no flower okay good okay。

  说话人 1

  可以 so anyway else who can try let me try yeah。男,百度,哈哈哈, wow flowers。

  说话人 1

  Skype. That's my good.

  说话人 1


  说话人 1

  What is too you? ¿What is you doing what is do you?

  说话人 1

  Dragon Ball.

  说话人 1

  Okay, no. No, no, no. Sorry.

  说话人 1

  thank you 足 thank you 陈一果OK?

  说话人 1

  yes the flowers flower hello everyone but please dont pick flowers okay okay just now we see the green yeah colorful rainbow rainbow colorful rainbow and the flower colorble flowers now i will show you more colorful pictures lets have a look。

  说话人 1

  yeah we can see。 Fly, you know, this sunshine, yellow rivers and chance. Yeah, these pictures are about our flowers. No? Can you read? Okay. And Nana, I like, I love, okay, a, a, a, a, the a and Nanyang nature, we can see so many deep colors in our nature. So we can see our nature is the colorful hour. Oh, our nature is hello. Okay, colorful. Okay, so let's break together. Okay, the nature is hello. So I hope you embrace the nature and love our nature. Okay? Okay. Hey, hey, this is our chase homework of take down in the police sequences. check down,yeah, this is our homework hum number one, listen point and rate number two draw your own Rainbow okay you can draw your own Rainbow。

  说话人 1

  你们可以画自己的彩虹,画在你们的纸上画。画好了以后边嘎点赞 goodbye 爱情。



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