01小学五年级英语下册 Recycle1 My school 单元主题复习课,教学视频-2023年小学英语名师课堂教学观摩活动







01小学五年级英语下册 Recycle1 My school 单元主题复习课,教学视频-2023年小学英语名师课堂教学观摩活动

01小学五年级英语下册 Recycle1 My school 单元主题复习课,教学视频-2023年小学英语名师课堂教学观摩活动

01小学五年级英语下册 Recycle1 My school 单元主题复习课,教学视频-2023年小学英语名师课堂教学观摩活动由听课站收集整理,听课站视频主要涵盖中小学优质课视频,公开课视频,示范课视频,获奖课视频,说课视频,模拟上课视频,模拟试讲视频等,通过多年的不断更新与完善,优质课视频内容丰富,是一个强大的教师优质课听课平台,如果您需要观看更多关于小学英语教学视频的教学视频请到小学英语教学视频栏目观看。如果您觉得该视频不错请别忘了将该视频进行转发分享到微信、QQ空间等,让更多的人一起学习,同时也请记住我们的网站【听课站 https://www.tingkez.com】。

课题:01小学五年级英语下册 Recycle1 My school 单元主题复习课,教学视频-2023年小学英语名师课堂教学观摩活动

  01小学五年级英语下册 Recycle1 My school 单元主题复习课,教学视频-2023年小学英语名师课堂教学观摩活动

  说话人 1

  To me, I'm the simple phone is only done. Hey, this is John or Chong Sha. But you don't see full children. I've been gonna go out. The gentle was your favorite. Cannot. Oh failed.

  说话人 1

  Chengdu kwa Eva.

  说话人 2

  What your pain to God oh, afraid of the. Oh, true opportunity for far. Okay, hello, boys and.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Okay, just now you listen to my Chinese name, but I have my English name here. Thank you so much. Your English is very good because you call me, oh, oh, some students may call me Lin. Lin. No, that is not Lin. Lin, that is 0,0. Okay. And this is my English name. And before the class, I want to play a game with you. Do you like playing games? I think so. All the children like playing games. So do I. Now, look, the name of the game is read.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Clap. So what is read? Yes, very good. Read means read after me. 0. 0 is beautiful. Yes, that means read. And.

  说话人 3

  What is clap?

  说话人 2

  Okay, let the teachers show you what is clap. Okay, okay. Hello, teachers, what is clap? That is black. Understand that is lab. So when you see the word, please read and then clap your hands. Okay. Hey, are you ready? Really? Okay, let's go. No, read and flagwood.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Oh, boys ears. I think it's a.

  说话人 4

  Little difficult. Some words I.

  说话人 1

  Really put for you and then.

  说话人 2

  I will show all the words here. Now look, there are so many words. Yes. Okay, let's read again. Let's read again. See? Clever. Ready?

  说话人 3

  Go. Say.

  说话人 1

  Straw. Pray. Friendly.

  说话人 3

  Okay, beautiful, straight.

  说话人 2

  Funny. Now, but here's all the words are adjectives they are using to describe a person or something else. So can you make a sentence? Choose one word to make a sentence to describe? Oh, oh, for example, wow. Oh is.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Thank you so much. Now use other words. And I think in your eyes, I'm not only beautiful, I have something else. Can you see some sentence by using these words?

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  What and what?

  说话人 1

  Me aristime. Oh, oh, is clever. Oh, how do you know that? Because you is a English teacher.

  说话人 2

  Yeah, okay. I think all the English teachers here should clap for.

  说话人 3

  Him. because。

  说话人 2


  说话人 2

  All the English teachers are very clever. Not only. Oh, oh, that's great. Some sentence.

  说话人 3


  说话人 1

  Oh, it's so beautiful.

  说话人 2

  Oh, you add another word, so beautiful. That means not only beautiful, but very beautiful.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  How about your English teacher at school? It's beautiful, too. Is she here?

  说话人 3

  Yes. Where is she?

  说话人 2

  Am I more beautiful than her? Okay, I think I'm.

  说话人 3

  Not as beautiful. She's more beautiful, I think.

  说话人 2

  Okay, great. Now, please let me see your name. Xie.

  说话人 3

  Chen Yue. Okay, great.

  说话人 1

  Oh, oh, is thin and tall.

  说话人 2

  Why do you think I am.

  说话人 3


  说话人 1

  You look thin and tall.

  说话人 2

  Yeah, I think in your eyes. Always really thin, I think. Thank you so much. Thank you. And something else. Oh, you please.

  说话人 3

  Learning how.

  说话人 1

  Oh, oh, it's funny.

  说话人 2

  Oh, great. How do you know I'm funny? You can say it in Chinese.

  说话人 3

  It doesn't matter.

  说话人 2

  And that is a kind of feeling without words to describe. Yes. Okay. I think so. Thank you so much. You get my main character. I'm really a.

  说话人 3

  Funny go.

  说话人 2

  Okay, thank you so much. And you know all the activity adjectives. And how about these words?

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  English, science, Chinese, playground, math class, Romania, music, library, love, face. When you look at these words, which.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Do you think of? Okay, are you.

  说话人 3

  Ready? Please?

  说话人 2

  School. Wow, great. Sit down. Please sit down. When you see these words may, this word may came to your mind. That is what school. So today all want to talk something.

  说话人 3

  About, look, what's this?

  说话人 2

  Yes, I want to talk something about school, but not all school. But look, do you know who.

  说话人 3

  Is she?

  说话人 2

  Yeah, you know her. Why you know her? How.

  说话人 3

  Do you know that?

  说话人 1

  What kind of.

  说话人 2

  Financial taxes? Okay, is that this? Yes. Okay. So let me tell you, she is CC. Do you know who is she? What's the relationship between CC and 0? 0? Yes. Is she my student, Francy? I'm sorry.

  说话人 3

  No. Is she your student? No, please. Is she your friend?

  说话人 2

  Yes, she's my friend, but not only friend, we live together, we eat together, we sleep together. And.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Always spend money on her. Okay. When she. Who.

  说话人 3

  Is he? Is she.

  说话人 2

  Your? Yes, she's my daughter.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  How beautiful she is. Why is she.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Do you know.

  说话人 3


  说话人 1

  Even fashion. Then you are.

  说话人 2

  Yes, just.

  说话人 3


  说话人 1

  Who is beautiful?

  说话人 2

  Yes. Great. Sit down, please. Good students. Okay, now, today, oh, CC will show you her school and the name of her school. Look and listen.

  说话人 5

  Hello, everyone. I'm Cici. I'm from Dongguan Primary School in Zhengzhou. Today, I want to show you around my school.

  说话人 2

  Okay, look and listen and then please answer me. What's the name of CC's school? What's the name.

  说话人 3

  Of her school? Lee.

  说话人 1

  Dong Tongguan Primary School.

  说话人 2

  Dongguan Primary School? Yes. Her name, her school's name is Dongguan primary school. What's the name of your.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  What's the name of your school?

  说话人 3

  Oh, xiaoyu, please.

  说话人 1

  Experimental primary school.

  说话人 2

  Experimental primary school. Can you write down your name? Use the name of.

  说话人 3

  Your school.

  说话人 2

  Can you write it.

  说话人 3

  Down? No.

  说话人 2

  Okay. It doesn't matter. Now, please take out your.

  说话人 3

  This paper, this one.

  说话人 2

  Take out this paper and write down the name of your school. But I think somebody can't write down the English name. It doesn't matter. Just write down the Chinese name of your school. Okay, right on the Chinese name, Suzhou, Wan Shiyan. Okay, just write down the name of your skill on the piece of paper.

  说话人 3

  Let me see.

  说话人 2

  I think you can write good English. And I want to see whether can you write very good Chinese. Yes, you can write down the Chinese.

  说话人 3

  It doesn't matter.

  说话人 2

  If you can write English, if you can't, you can write Chinese. It doesn't matter.

  说话人 2

  Ka, the name of your school is Suzhou.

  说话人 3

  1 Experimental.

  说话人 2


  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Hey, have you finished? Okay, you have finished the first very important thing in this class. And now Cici just told us that she will lead us around her school. Let's look at her school.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Now please look and listen carefully.

  说话人 5

  This is a teaching building. There are 66 classrooms in it. We can have classes in the.

  说话人 3


  说话人 5

  There are some special rooms. There is a big reading room on the first floor. We can read books here. There are two music rooms on the second floor. We can dance and play some instruments here. There are two art rooms on the third floor. We can draw pictures. And right here, there are 20 teachers offices in the teaching building too. They are for the teachers to have a rest. Were prepared for the lessons. On the left side of the teaching building, you can see our school hall is for the teachers to have a mate or the students to have some performances. When you pass through a corridor, you can see our playground. We often play sports and games here. These are the main places in my school. What about your school?

  说话人 2

  That's the main places in Dongguan Primary School. Now it's a time for you to think it over. What are the main places in Dongguan Primary.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  What are the main places? There is.

  说话人 3

  A what, what and what.

  说话人 2

  Think if you can't think it over, it doesn't matter. You can read it. You can also read it from picture 1,2, picture.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Picture 4, and picture 5. 1,2,3,4,5. You can read them and then tell us what are the main places in Dongguan Primary School.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Page 1 to page 5, what are the main places? Okay, time is up. Now let's think. What are the main places in Dongguan Primary.

  说话人 3

  School. Okay, please.

  说话人 1

  There are two art room, there are two music rooms.

  说话人 2

  Or two music rooms.

  说话人 1

  A playground.

  说话人 2

  Okay, but we can see there is a.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Okay, gave some chances to others. Okay, pass your phone to season. Yeah, please.

  说话人 1

  There are 20 teachers office. Oh.

  说话人 2

  Well, okay, animals, no. Okay. Xiang Fei is others. What about that? Oh, you please. There are hall. Oh, there is a school hall. Okay. There's a.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  And a big school. Okay. Now, boys and girls, are there some any places else?

  说话人 3

  Yeah, so now, oh.

  说话人 2

  But look, boys and girls. Oh, you please. What's very good? Boys and girls, look, when she, when he is listening, he write down some keywords. That is a very good habit when you are do some doing something, some listening exercises. Okay, that's good. Music rooms.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  But boys and girls, when you are telling me there are two odd rooms, music rooms.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Wow, that's a little did in disorder. I just told you that there.

  说话人 3

  Is a.

  说话人 2


  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Yes, yeah, teaching building. In the teaching building, there is there are.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2


  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Music rooms, teacher's offices, build a reading room. And on the left side, there is a big school hall. So Cici is telling her school in some order.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  So when you are listening, you should try to pay attention to the.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Okay? Okay. It doesn't matter. That's the first listening part you do. It doesn't matter. But I think you can do another things. Now, here I gave you another task 1, talk about the main places of your school in group of.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  In group of 4, four students in a group. And then I gave you two tips. The first one is you have only one minute, okay? And the second one is think about your school in some.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Teaching building on the first floor, on the second floor, on the left side, on the right side, and so on. And then write down the name of the places on.

  说话人 3

  The worksheet.

  说话人 2

  So first, let's do the.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Period. Talk about the main places in group of 4. Talk, just talk. Okay, already go. Let's talk about it.

  说话人 2

  Okay, your talking time is stop. Now. Please write down the main names of the places on the worksheet. Main places of your school ride on the name of the main.

  说话人 3

  Places of your school. Yes.

  说话人 2

  You have three.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  And if you need help, please call.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  I will come and help.

  说话人 2

  One minute.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  One little, two little, three little.

  说话人 3


  说话人 3

  Okay, boys and girls.

  说话人 2

  Look here. Put down your pen. If you don't put down your pen, your pen will not be your pen. Hey, hey, negotiate, eat, stop and stop. Okay. I know you have many words to say, to write, but I'm sorry time is a limited and at here I want to tell you just now I just told you that you just should write down the name of the places on the worksheet. Just write on name. But I see some students write on sentences. So it's a long time.

  说话人 3

  For you.

  说话人 2

  It doesn't matter. Next time, please pay attention.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Let me find some student to share. Okay.

  说话人 1

  There is a teaching building in our school. There are a lot of classrooms, school. There is a playbook, a playground, and a large.

  说话人 1

  There are five music for 6 question.

  说话人 1

  There is a table tense full tenant room.

  说话人 1

  Okay. There are four sign science rule.

  说话人 1

  Oh, fine. I have. I will. There are many teacher of.

  说话人 2

  Teachers offices. Okay, great. Just now, Xie Seng Yue told us there are a lot of classrooms. How many classrooms? Oh, you know, Miss Lee, is.

  说话人 3

  There? Oh, 81.

  说话人 1

  It's hard. 又能又 72 个,因为我们学校有四层楼,每层楼上,我每,我们学校楼是四层,有三栋楼,然后每天,所以拿6。

  说话人 2

  Your math teachers may be very proud of you. That's great. But is, are there 81 classrooms or 72.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  After class, you can count one.

  说话人 3

  By one.

  说话人 2

  After lunch. That's a good exercise, I think. Okay, okay. But if you can't tell us the exact number, it doesn't matter. Just use qisheng. Yes. Where's a lot.

  说话人 3

  Of classrooms?

  说话人 2

  Yes. Okay, great job. Now, do any other students want to share? Oh, you please.

  说话人 1

  There are.

  说话人 2

  5 art rooms. Okay.

  说话人 1

  There are two read rooms.

  说话人 2

  Two reading rooms.

  说话人 3

  Do it.

  说话人 2

  No. Okay.

  说话人 3

  How many?

  说话人 1

  No, it. One read the rooms.

  说话人 2

  Lets have a.

  说话人 3


  说话人 1

  Its only one is there are many teachers no is go out and walk.

  说话人 1


  说话人 1

  no one reading room is on the first floor。

  说话人 1

  那个 second reading room is on the third floor。

  说话人 1

  you ever know that there is another video。 Yes, yes.

  说话人 2

  Okay. Doesn't matter.

  说话人 3

  You take.

  说话人 2

  It down, please take it down. Okay. Anything else?

  说话人 1

  There is a big school hole.

  说话人 2

  A big school hall. Is.

  说话人 3

  That he?

  说话人 2

  Okay, great. Anything.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Nope. Okay. Thank you. Thank you so much. Anyone else?

  说话人 3

  Okay, you please.

  说话人 1

  And a dancing room.

  说话人 2

  One dancing room? Yes. Okay. Have you ever been to the dancing room? She wanna sure you go there to dance?

  说话人 1

  No, you'll learn music.

  说话人 2

  All learning music that the music room.

  说话人 1

  No, is in dancing room.

  说话人 2

  Oh, it make me feel a little dizzy. Maybe the music room can have music lessons and can also have dancing lessons. yes OK sit down please sit down oh。

  说话人 3


  说话人 4


  说话人 3


  说话人 1

  那就 thats something room is 让我们是上音乐车的。

  说话人 4


  说话人 2

  Great okay that means this room have many different usings okay you.

  说话人 3


  说话人 1


  说话人 2


  说话人 2

  Zi Ming, you are a good student in this classroom because many students like to help.

  说话人 4


  说话人 1


  说话人 2

  That means for you, this is the music room. But for the dancers, this, that is the dancing room. Okay, from this point of view, women that each. Classroom have different uses for different.

  说话人 3


  说话人 4


  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Yes, okay but i want to say that again ah maybe i didnt know what. What are the main places in your school? Very well.

  说话人 3

  Do you know why salvation, Mama? Because.

  说话人 2

  You are not in a certain order. Maybe you can tell us when you come to the school, you will see.

  说话人 3

  A big. What?

  说话人 2

  A big school. Yeah, it's really a big school. You will see a.

  说话人 3

  Big teaching.

  说话人 2

  Building. And on the teaching building, there are many classrooms, or maybe there are many rooms. Yes, and then you can see that on the first floor there has what? And on the second floor, on the fourth floor or third floor, something else. So that I can know what are the main places in your school. Yes, so please be in order when you want to describe.

  说话人 3


  说话人 4


  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Oh, that is the first task of you. And then let's go on.

  说话人 5

  Let's go to my classroom to have a look.

  说话人 2

  Okay, let's go to CC's classroom because there are so many classroom. Let's go to her.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Oh, on the wall of the classroom, there is a what time? Schedule. This is a class schedule. Kechenbiao. Yeah, computer room, not a computer room. Okay, look.

  说话人 5

  This is my class schedule. Tuesday is my favorite day. Can you guess why?

  说话人 2

  Tuesday? Which day is.

  说话人 3

  Tuesday? Tuesday.

  说话人 2

  Which day is.

  说话人 3

  Tuesday? Monday.

  说话人 2

  Tuesday. Okay. What does she have on Tuesdays? She has Chinese moral.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  And then reading and reading. Okay, Tuesday is her favorite day. Can you guess why she likes Tuesday? Why sh? Okay.

  说话人 3

  You please.

  说话人 1

  Because it has two reading.

  说话人 2

  Pass, because she has two reading classes. Okay, and so that means she likes what.

  说话人 3

  Very much.

  说话人 2

  She likes reading classes. So that means CC.

  说话人 3

  Likes what very much. What?

  说话人 1

  She likes reading very much. Very.

  说话人 2

  Good. She likes reading very.

  说话人 3


  说话人 5

  Bingo, because we have to reading classes on that day. Sometimes Miss Lee read some interesting books for us. Sometimes we can read books by ourself. What about you? What's your favorite class? Why?

  说话人 2

  Hey, now, look, Cici likes Tuesday very much because she has two reading classes on that day. That's the reason she likes Tuesday. And she wants to know what's your favorite.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Can you tell her why do you like this.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Okay, and that is your.

  说话人 5

  We are always very happy at school.

  说话人 2

  1. Task 2, let's talk about your favorite class and tell me why. Okay, now think about your favorite class for two.

  说话人 3

  Minutes. Okay? Think about it.

  说话人 2

  okay, i will and walk when i walk to you please tell me your answer okay huh。

  说话人 2

  刘修延 a nice stain okay whats your。

  说话人 3

  favorite class?

  说话人 3

  to math why?

  说话人 2

  Okay, okay. So please, it doesn't matter. Sit down. I think, although you like math very much, and from this class, if you think English is a little funny, please pay more attention to English class. Okay, now what about you mission? What about you? What's your favorite class?

  说话人 1

  I like Max too. because。

  说话人 1


  说话人 2

  Can, can I, okay, it doesn't matter. So please, I think you are very good at in at math. I think. Okay, you please.

  说话人 1

  I, my favorite class is computer because it's funny. I can make a little game. Yes.

  说话人 2

  Is that successful?

  说话人 1


  说话人 2

  Do you want to play the game? She's, he is may.

  说话人 2

  Oh, next time.

  说话人 3

  You can.

  说话人 2

  Not take to take the program here on the computer class to play with other students. Okay, snow peace. Well, great.

  说话人 3

  Youth peace.

  说话人 1

  I like Chinese because it's so funny because.

  说话人 1

  我有在游客上王老师会给我们聊,我聊一些知识。 Leash.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Okay, I think the Chinese teacher may be a very good history teacher. Okay. Ray。

  说话人 3


  说话人 1


  说话人 2

  Yes, in Chinese class, you can learn more.

  说话人 3


  说话人 1

  Chinese history.

  说话人 2

  Great. So boys and girls, maybe Chinese not is Chinese class is not only learning how to write Chinese characters, but also we learn many Chinese stories, Chinese histories. We can learn a more from the Chinese class. But what about English class? Who likes English class?

  说话人 3

  Oh, you please.

  说话人 1

  Great class is English because it's easy. It's very easy and it's fun.

  说话人 2

  Oh, it is very easy. You get the main point in primary school. I think English should be easy and interesting. You should love English. And then when you go to the middle school, you can learn.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  But only like it when you are in the primary school. But I think English is easy for you just because you have many great ways to learn it. Okay, can you give us some experience?

  说话人 2

  经常要背单词 how to recite the words 怎么。

  说话人 4


  说话人 2


  说话人 2

  Primary, primary. How to reside. Primary. Expensive car. cry。

  说话人 4

  然后 M AR Y。好记一些分开的这个原则。

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Sit down, please. Now, listen, I think you can recite this word as quick as possible, too. Which word? Which letter?

  说话人 3

  I. I. I. So I.

  说话人 2


  说话人 3

  Very good. Which letter?

  说话人 2

  M, maybe a, maybe E, maybe, oh, maybe other letters. It doesn't matter.

  说话人 3

  Or just.

  说话人 2

  Let it be black. Okay. And.

  说话人 3

  Which letter.

  说话人 4


  说话人 2

  Primary? E, a, why? So when you want to recite a letter, there are many good ways for you to help you. Okay. Oh, that's great. And oh, you US is English. Cause I can study English well, do you have any other ways to learn it?

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Okay. Have you ever read many different stories or English passages at home?

  说话人 2

  Great. So please. Okay, boys and girls, I think English is very.

  说话人 3

  Beautiful. So love it.

  说话人 2

  And learn it more harder. Okay.

  说话人 3

  You please, Li Yu.

  说话人 1

  I like computer because we can play come computer games. It's interesting.

  说话人 2

  On Tuesday too. So you like Tuesday? Okay, very good. Oh, you want.

  说话人 3

  To say it?

  说话人 2


  说话人 3

  Last chance.

  说话人 1

  I like P2. because it can because。

  说话人 1

  因为我学了体育,我可以变得更强壮耶。 Yes.

  说话人 2

  Great job. What kind of sports?

  说话人 2

  are you good at 最擅长什么?

  说话人 1


  说话人 2

  Cool. How long distance.

  说话人 3

  Can you run.

  说话人 4

  On mission?

  说话人 2

  did you run very fast yeah。 okay sit down please okay i just want to know how long time can you runs not without stopping can。

  说话人 4

  you 持续能跑多久?

  说话人 2

  OK boys。 Maybe you like these subjects because at this class is very easy or this is very interesting. Some students like this class just because you like the teacher. Yes, for example, you like English, but because you like, oh, oh.

  说话人 3

  Okay, we all means.

  说话人 3


  说话人 4


  说话人 3

  都不勉强?非常的不勉强。 Zhenpeng.

  说话人 2

  Okay, great. Now, boys and years, Cici likes reading, not only because reading is very interesting and also you kick, she can learn a lot from reading, but also she likes math just because she likes.

  说话人 5

  We are always very happy at school because we have many nice teachers. Mark, here are some photos of our teachers. I like my math teacher best. She is Miss Zhao. She is tall and thin. She is very kind to us. Her class is so much fun too.

  说话人 2

  And look at this picture of Miss Zhao. Is she.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  No, just because you think all those kind is very beautiful. Okay, now look, besides Miss Zhao, she also have.

  说话人 5

  Can you introduce my teachers by looking at their information cards?

  说话人 2

  Look here. I bring her some information cards.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Okay, can you see them clearly? Can you see them clearly? Okay, if you can't see them clearly, it doesn't matter. I have many photos here. We have so many nice photos here. Look, teachers and so many beautiful.

  说话人 3


  说话人 4


  说话人 3

  I can go similar. Okay.

  说话人 2

  Look, Cici wants you to introduce her teachers to look at by looking at their information cards. So your task is coming task.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Please choose one of the teachers as quickly as. possible in group of four。

  说话人 4


  说话人 2

  These t shirts and.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Okay, introduce the teacher to us. I'll.

  说话人 3

  Choose the.

  说话人 2

  Teacher and introduce her to us. You can do it.

  说话人 3

  In groups.

  说话人 2

  You can do it in groups. Keeping the Malaysia. Okay. Just choose one.

  说话人 3

  Of them.

  说话人 2

  Look, some teachers are over.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  It's just a joke. Okay, okay. Basic girls, let's stop. Can you introduce one of the t shirts to these teachers? Choose one. One teacher to.

  说话人 3


  说话人 4


  说话人 3

  其中一个, OK 林子民。

  说话人 2

  OK which teacher miss Han okay miss Han one two three four five。 6. Yeah, the 61 is Miss Han.

  说话人 3


  说话人 1

  Cuz she is clever and funny. I like funny teachers. You like for.

  说话人 2

  Yes, although you misunderstanding my task, but you done a good job. Great. Sit down, please. You like funny teachers, so you like me. Okay.

  说话人 3


  说话人 1

  I like Miss Joe because. Cuz, she is funny i like funny teacher.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Are you good brands.

  说话人 2

  你们俩是好朋友。 Okay thats something.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Like some person you like but introduce her okay you please.

  说话人 1

  I like MR Mister MR tier okay introduce him. Looks cool. He looks very clever. Yes. He likes drawing and running. I have same hobbies. We have same hobbies.

  说话人 3

  Drawing and, yes.

  说话人 2

  Okay. At least anyone else?

  说话人 1

  I like Miss Lee.

  说话人 2

  Miss lee which one oh the first one Chinese teacher miss lee okay introduce.

  说话人 3


  说话人 1

  I think she can teach as well what she can teach well oh.

  说话人 2

  She can teach well.

  说话人 4


  说话人 3


  说话人 2


  说话人 3

  Great.大师给 great you please。

  说话人 4

  later miss Zhang okay introduce。

  说话人 3

  miss Zhang。

  说话人 1

  because she like reading and singing i like it too。

  说话人 2

  oh you have same。

  说话人 3

  hobbies okay great。 Please.

  说话人 1

  I like Miss Lu. She is a science.

  说话人 2

  Teacher. Okay.

  说话人 1

  She is very beautiful. Fa, funny and.

  说话人 2

  Clever. Oh, great. Beautiful, funny and clever. Something else. No? Okay, it doesn't matter. Sit on peace. Okay, boys and girls, look here, listen here, we have this task. Can introduce my teachers by looking at their information card. That means CC wants you to introduce, not tell us what's your, who is your favorite teacher. So let's introduce them together. Okay, the teachers. Okay, the teachers. And for example, let's look at Mister Tear. Okay, you can introduce her like this. Mister Tier. If.

  说话人 3

  They. At.

  说话人 2

  Share oke he is.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Like. Joy. In and running. Okay, this time, let's do it together. Let's, what about Miss John? Let's say together. Okay, Miss John, ready?

  说话人 3

  Go. Miss Zhang.

  说话人 2

  Is the music.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  She is lovely.

  说话人 3

  And kind.

  说话人 2


  说话人 3

  Likes reading.

  说话人 2

  And singing great. And last one, what about Miss Joe? Miss Joe. Miss Jo.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2


  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  She is funny and hard working. She likes.

  说话人 3

  Reading and.

  说话人 2

  Running. That's great. That's CC's teachers. What about your teachers? Who is your favorite teacher? Who is your.

  说话人 3

  Favorite teacher?

  说话人 2

  Okay, who is your.

  说话人 5

  Favorite teacher? See, are my teachers. What about yours? I think there must be many good teacher in your school. Can you introduce them?

  说话人 2

  Okay, can you introduce them? Describe one of your teachers. This time, do it by yourself, only by yourself. And you have four minutes to prepare. Okay, but I'm sorry, time is so limited, so you may have no 4 minutes. Just tell me who is your.

  说话人 3

  Favorite teacher.

  说话人 2

  And was she or was he like Yan Yue?

  说话人 1

  I like Miss Wang. She is my Chinese teacher. She is very kind. She likes reading. I like reading too.

  说话人 2

  Miss Wang. Maybe Ray will read many different stories for you in the class. Yes. Okay, great. You.

  说话人 1

  Please. My favorite a teacher is Miss Dong. She teaches a math because my favorite teacher is my favorite sub class is a math. So her trust is interesting.

  说话人 2

  So much fan. Okay, what about.

  说话人 3

  The girl.

  说话人 1

  I like, Miss Tom? She is English teacher. She is clever.

  说话人 2

  Why don't.

  说话人 3

  You help me?

  说话人 2

  Okay, sorry. Just now you see that uncle teacher told us time is so limited. I think you have many things to us, but a teacher who can't control.

  说话人 2

  time 一个。

  说话人 4


  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  But I'm so sorry that we should end our class. But Cici also have something to say to you.

  说话人 5

  There are many other things I want to share with you, but time is limited. Let's seek first. And I hope one day you can come to Zhen Zhou to see my school.

  说话人 2

  Okay, I hope one day you can come to Zhengzhou to see her school. And I hope one day you can come.

  说话人 4

  To Zhengzhou to see me.

  说话人 3


  说话人 2

  Okay, boys and girls, so much for today. We also have homework. The first one, finish your worksheet about your school. Because we also have many other things you should tell and introduce your skill by looking at this worksheet. Okay, at last, let's see more. When you are describing teachers, you can describe her personality and her hobby. And in the schools, you can also say something about the classes. Okay? But everybody, no matter what kind of school you have, no matter what kind of classes you have, and no matter what kind of teachers you have, just smile every day. Just enjoy every day at school. Okay? Okay, boys and girls, so much. for today bye bye thank you so much。

  说话人 4


  说话人 4


  说话人 4


  说话人 4

  另外关于这个主题的这个支撑,包括我们主题意义的探究可能不是通过一节课就能够完全达成的。我想今天我的这节课它相对来讲比较简单,但是我们也会发现孩子在用语言来描述的过程当中缺少一定的顺序感,而且我们可能对于这个教学校里面的一些设施,包括地点这些这个深入的了解其实不够的,他可能知道这个是classroom,但是就像我们说的,对于不同的人来讲,他在 classroom 里面它的功能和作用是不同的,所以这个过程可能不是我们说OK,有。 Should.

  说话人 2

  Enjoy your life or enjoy your moment at the classroom. You should do your best when you are on the club at the class.

  说话人 4


  说话人 2

  一个 game time,还有一个 describe 的teacher。

  说话人 4


  说话人 4


  说话人 4


  说话人 4


  说话人 4

  而我们的目的知识的复现、评价、检测所学内容这个形式我们依然有思维导图和任务活动的形式,还有大家也会,也许会觉得很奇怪,我们这节课其实依然是在分了很多不同的板块来给孩子来呈现,那么其实并没有一个很完整的给孩子们来呈现 my school 这个话题之下很多很多的东西,这是一定的,这就是我们真实的课堂,我们一节课当中怎么可能把学校里面所有的方方面面都给孩子给呈现出来?即便我只呈现了 3 个板块,也用了很长很长的时间,所以这里也是想跟大家说,我们有的时候想要的太多,反而什么都抓不住,有的时候我们放下心里面最就是很直接的那个目的,说不定源源不断的学生会给你送来很多很多不一样的东西。

  说话人 4

  这是关于这节课,我想跟大家分享的,最后还想请大家再给耽误大家大概 5 分钟左右的时间跟大家分享几个词。首先作为这个一个授课老师来讲,刚才庐山老师的那一句话,我真是激起我心里面很澎湃的这种感受啊。首先我真的是很羡慕她的发亮,喜欢的人不得了,我不得了的。然后其次刚才我们他来的时候,我跟他握了一下手,真人感觉年轻真好,皮肤非常的好。嗯,这是关于庐山,另外他刚才站在这儿的时候说的,这是他第一次参加现代语,经典就是让我想起了我第一次参加这个现代语经典的这个活动,站在这个舞台上。嗯,那个时候应该是五六年前那个样子,我是来自河南郑州,大家也知道我们河南的这个英语教育其实在全国并不是走在很发达的地区,所以能够站在这样的舞台上,我觉得很幸运,所以我每次都很珍惜我们这个舞台。

  说话人 4


  说话人 3


  说话人 4

  我本人特点的一个课堂,让大家去观察观看,然后有问题我们共同去解决这个问题。所以作为听课的老师,你也是一样,希望你在听课的过程当中,无论是这节课的老师讲的课,你是觉得好还是不好,其实你都是有收获,好是因为你可能觉得,嗯,他的思路跟你想的有点接近。或者是因为 a 这个老师的这个某一点我特别认可,这至少说明我们在思考,那么你如果认为这节课他有问题,那更好,这正更加说明你在认真观看这节课,这对于在台上的老师和学生来讲都是最大的尊重。所以也希望不管是什么样的活动,大家只要参与,都能够站在一个平和的这样的一个角度去看待每一节站在台上的这个课,让你的每一次这个外出也好,在学校也好的这种听课都学有所获。嗯,这个也希望我们很多的老师能够,嗯,在每一次的听课过程当中,学习的过程当中都能够找到跟你有共同点,或者说是跟你有不同点的这个老师。然后我们把这个点不断的放大,成为你最想要改变的那个点,最想要努力做好那个点。好了,今天我的分享就到这里,谢谢大家,辛苦了。

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