10高中英语 Talk about Chinese Language Learning Abroad 探究教学视频,2023年中国教育报“智慧校园”全国系列活动(杭州站)创新案例展示







10高中英语 Talk about Chinese Language Learning Abroad 探究教学视频,2023年中国教育报“智慧校园”全国系列活动(杭州站)创新案例展示

10高中英语 Talk about Chinese Language Learning Abroad 探究教学视频,2023年中国教育报“智慧校园”全国系列活动(杭州站)创新案例展示

10高中英语 Talk about Chinese Language Learning Abroad 探究教学视频,2023年中国教育报“智慧校园”全国系列活动(杭州站)创新案例展示由听课站收集整理,听课站视频主要涵盖中小学优质课视频,公开课视频,示范课视频,获奖课视频,说课视频,模拟上课视频,模拟试讲视频等,通过多年的不断更新与完善,优质课视频内容丰富,是一个强大的教师优质课听课平台,如果您需要观看更多关于高中英语教学视频的教学视频请到高中英语教学视频栏目观看。如果您觉得该视频不错请别忘了将该视频进行转发分享到微信、QQ空间等,让更多的人一起学习,同时也请记住我们的网站【听课站 https://www.tingkez.com】。

课题:10高中英语 Talk about Chinese Language Learning Abroad 探究教学视频,2023年中国教育报“智慧校园”全国系列活动(杭州站)创新案例展示

  10高中英语 Talk about Chinese Language Learning Abroad 探究教学视频,2023年中国教育报“智慧校园”全国系列活动(杭州站)创新案例展示

  说话人 1

  Afternoon. Okay, sit down, please. I'm very happy to have you here today. And we will learn Book 5. You need to using language, talk about Chinese language learning abroad. And before we talk about Chinese language learning abroad, let's talk about your English learning. So do you think English is difficult, yes or no? Yes, a little bit difficult.

  说话人 1

  What problems do you have in English learning? What problems do you have in English learning? The whole class? Pronunciation. Yeah, pronunciation, vocabulary, right? Grammar, grammar and grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, writing, speaking, reading, and listening. And okay, you have so many difficulties, so many problems, right? So it's not easy to learn a foreign language. And we may have some collocation problem and pronunciation and intonation, vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, writing, and English cultures. And now today, things have changed. People around the world have started to learn Chinese and now watch a video and tell me their difficulties in learning Chinese.

  说话人 2

  I've been studying Chinese for eight years. Why the tones? And we need to do that. Did we need to do that here? Let me give an example. Okay, my, okay, my fourth is the worst. That was 4th of the worst one is horse run his mother. I don't know which I'm.

  说话人 3

  Just excellent person with mama horse Italian shy of. But we say what? Shy Taya? Wow, you're not even old. We have to say.

  说话人 1

  This. When you dad.

  说话人 2

  Shell out Paul. oh east she west everything from east to west dont she hahaha。

  说话人 2

  你是 dont she west 我不是。

  说话人 2

  all alive creatures cannot be。

  说话人 3

  What's your tongue? You cannot say that. Watch my tongue.

  说话人 2

  She don't go straight into the box.

  说话人 2


  说话人 3

  This? What's the meaning of this? Yeah, they have the only thing like that. This means, I don't know, I'm token. This person has a big relationship with very much. Actually, person has no idea how you see, like I say, sorry, mouse, maybe democratizing.

  说话人 1

  Okay, so what problems do they have? What problems do they have? Yeah, now let's see who is the lucky guy.

  说话人 1

  Toms, Pelisi, me and how to write. Yeah, they have 100,000 Chinese characters, right? It's hard for foreigners to learn how to write in Chinese character and grammar and collocation, right? Collocation and tones policing me and vocabulary, listening, speaking, write Chinese characters and Chinese culture, right? Okay, good answer. Thank you. Okay, and now to know more about how to know more about Chinese language learning, our school TV, Dinan television, will invite a student to interview a foreigner student. And now at the end of the class, we will role play a phone call, interview you and your deskmate. One will be the interview view interviewer and the other will be the interviewee. Okay, as a host, what questions can you raise? How long have you been? Okay, the whole class. What questions can you. Okay, what about Fengyao? You please?

  说话人 4

  How long have you been learning English?

  说话人 1

  How long.

  说话人 4

  Right? And.

  说话人 1

  Okay, use a microphone. Okay, just just say it. How.

  说话人 4

  Long and can you speak the Chinese fluently?

  说话人 1

  Okay, whether he could he or she could speak Chinese fluently. Okay, here are some reference words. What, where, why, how, and who. Okay, any other questions?

  说话人 4

  How can you understand what others are speaking?

  说话人 1

  So the topic is Chinese language learning abroad. So can you raise some questions about this topic? Okay, sit down. Please invite. Thank you for your answer. Any other volunteers? Okay, you please.

  说话人 5

  Where can you learn.

  说话人 1

  English? Yeah, where? English or Chinese? Or Chinese. Where do they learn Chinese? Right? Where do they learn Chinese?

  说话人 5

  And who you learn Chinese from?

  说话人 1

  Yeah, who? Who to learn from?

  说话人 5


  说话人 1

  where to learn?

  说话人 5

  and who encouraged you to learn。 Needs.

  说话人 1

  Yeah, also about the who question, right? Any? Okay, thank you. Any other questions? Okay, sorry. Can we please. Why do you want to learn Chinese? Yeah, why to learn.

  说话人 6

  And how do you learn Chinese in your everyday life?

  说话人 1

  Yeah, how to learn, right? Okay, good answer. Thank you. So it seems that you are a good host. You can raise many questions. You can raise many questions. So now, if we were the interviewee, how can we answer these questions? Now we are foreigners and now try to answer these questions. Okay, why do people around the world learn Chinese?

  说话人 1

  Now let's have a group discussion. Let's have a group discussion. Four student for each group. You four group 1, okay, four student each group. Okay, go within one minute. So why do the foreigners learn Chinese? Why do you learn English? English is a bridge to complete the work. Can bridge, bridge, bridge other countries, right? Bridge other countries. Anything else?

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