07高中英语 Reading for writing How to make an effective poster探究教学视频,2023年中国教育报“智慧校园”全国系列活动(杭州站)创新案例展示







07高中英语 Reading for writing How to make an effective poster探究教学视频,2023年中国教育报“智慧校园”全国系列活动(杭州站)创新案例展示

07高中英语 Reading for writing How to make an effective poster探究教学视频,2023年中国教育报“智慧校园”全国系列活动(杭州站)创新案例展示

07高中英语 Reading for writing How to make an effective poster探究教学视频,2023年中国教育报“智慧校园”全国系列活动(杭州站)创新案例展示由听课站收集整理,听课站视频主要涵盖中小学优质课视频,公开课视频,示范课视频,获奖课视频,说课视频,模拟上课视频,模拟试讲视频等,通过多年的不断更新与完善,优质课视频内容丰富,是一个强大的教师优质课听课平台,如果您需要观看更多关于高中英语教学视频的教学视频请到高中英语教学视频栏目观看。如果您觉得该视频不错请别忘了将该视频进行转发分享到微信、QQ空间等,让更多的人一起学习,同时也请记住我们的网站【听课站 https://www.tingkez.com】。

课题:07高中英语 Reading for writing How to make an effective poster探究教学视频,2023年中国教育报“智慧校园”全国系列活动(杭州站)创新案例展示

  07高中英语 Reading for writing How to make an effective poster探究教学视频,2023年中国教育报“智慧校园”全国系列活动(杭州站)创新案例展示

  Well, I'm so glad to be here together with you to explore the world of wildlife Protection today. And let's look at here. What's it? Do you recognize it, dear? All we can say, the Tibetan antelope, right? And it was once an endangered animal, right? And to save more endangered animals, we celebrate the Wild Wildlife Day. So here is a question for you. When is it? So take care your pet and please upload your choice.

  说话人 1

  Finish. Yes, let's find out your answer here.

  说话人 1

  Yes, most of you actually choose the right answer. Yes, the right answer. Well, one of day falls on March 3rd, several days ago. Right. And we usually hold a lot of events to celebrate it and to arouse people's awareness of protecting wildlife. And actually, there are still a lot of other animals which need our help. So let's watch a very short video clip to find out what happened to them.

  说话人 2

  Hari juli maluri n.

  说话人 2

  Ilmu. Life skill. I dream.

  说话人 1

  Well, a sad story, right? And there are four animals appearing in the video clip. What are they? Rhino. Rhino. Yes, the rhino at the very beginning of the video clip. Right. And what else? It whales you more. So what happen to them? What happened to these animals?

  说话人 2

  They were killed.

  说话人 1

  Killed? They were killed by whom? By people, right. So at the very beginning, the horse of the rhino were removed, right? And the whales were rounded up and attacked by human beings, the habitat of the pelican, the sea bird. Right. Was polluted by oilsville. And the seals were hunted by persons. So what should we do to help them? So let's think about this question from the following 3 different identities. Please share your opinions through the path one minute for you, please use the complete sentence. Take out your pad and upload your opinion.

  说话人 1

  Sanash. Yes. Now let's shift our attention to the screen here. Let's find out what are your pay, what your opinions are. Well, most of you have uploaded your opinion here about how to help the wildlife. And I like to invite some of you to share your ideas with us.

  说话人 1

  Yeah, well, Yang Siqi, how about you share your idea with us?

  说话人 2

  I think the government should establish some organizations to help prevent the animals from.

  说话人 1

  Yes, good. But please pay attention. This is a sentence, right? So the first word should be capitalized. Alright, and let's see other's opinions. Well, how about if I think, what's the idea?

  说话人 2

  I think ordinary people should raise their awareness of protecting endangered animals. Yes.

  说话人 1

  Good. Well, and how about, don't we, what's your opinion?

  说话人 2

  I think the celebrity shows that example and common people notify products made by animals.

  说话人 1

  Yes, the celebrities, right? Good. And here are my answers for this question. So from my opinion, the government should make laws to regulate people's behavior and set up more nature reserves. Right. And the celebrities should help promote and set an example to protect wildlife for the ordinary people. We should reduce environmental pollution and stop buying products made a wildlife. And as Yu Fei has mentioned, that we could also raise our awareness of protecting the wildlife. So we can make a poster to raise it, right? So today we will learn to how to make an effective poster for the Wildlife Protection. Now let's take out our textbook and turn to page 20. Look at the two posters here.

  说话人 1

  Why catch the eyes at first sight? Picture. Yeah, the picture, yeah, title. So let's first pay attention to the true picture here, right? So can you use some words to describe it? What's the feature of the picture here? Very. The first.

  说话人 2


  说话人 1

  Attractive. Frightening. Attractive. Yes. Or eye catching, right? Eye catching arouse our attention. And for the emotions the images convey to us. The left one, that's one. So can you use some keywords to express your feelings as a first side of the picture here? The first one, angry. Angry. Yeah, angry. It looks angry, not friendly, right? And maybe it seems a little bit. Right? Yeah, frightening. Good. How about the right one? What are they? Cool. Yeah, they're koalas, right? And they're. What's your feeling about them?

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