人教版(PEP)三起点三年级下册 Unit 2 My family Part C Story time 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,湖北省

06-04   阅读:


年份:|2018|,版本:|部编|人教PEP|,学科:小学英语教学视频,年级:|三年级|,赛事:,TAGS:,专题:,课件教案:PPT课件+教案 ,本课地址:https://www.tingkez.com/yingyu/xxyy/138250.html
课题:人教版(PEP)三起点三年级下册 Unit 2 My family Part C Story time 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,湖北省TUs听课站-教学视频听课网,优质课,公开课视频听课网站!
PEP小学英语三年级上册  Unit 2 My family Part C Story time教学设计  Unit 2 My family Part C Story time 【Teaching aims】  1. 语言知识和语言技能目标  (1)学生能在故事学生中理解并运用“beautiful”和“actress”两个生词。 (2)学生能听懂并准确朗读故事。 (3)学生能补全并分角色表演故事。 2. 学习策略目标  (1)学生能在自主阅读中提炼并整合关键信息。 (2)学生能逐步养成良好的阅读习惯。 3. 情感态度目标  (1)学生能通过小组活动,学会与他人合作。  (2)学生能体会Zoom和他妈妈之间的爱,并学会对家人表达爱。 【Important points】  1. 学生能在故事学生中理解并运用“beautiful”和“actress”两个生词。 2. 学生能理解并有感情地朗读故事。  3. 学生能根据思维导图及关键词提示,补全并表演故事。 【Difficult points】  1. 学生能根据关键信息提示,创编并表演故事。  2. 学生能体会Zoom和他妈妈之间的爱,并学会对家人表达爱。 【Teaching procedures】 Step1 Pre-reading 1. Greeting &A game  教师通过游戏“Yes/No”与学生互动,激活课堂。 T:I’ll show you some pictures.If you think it’s right,you can say “Yes”.If you think it’s wrong,you can say “No”. (设计意图:呈现Zoom妈妈的连衣裙,出示班上学生的头像让他们判断男生是否能穿连衣裙,打造了轻松活泼的课堂气氛。最后呈现Zoom的头像,让学生判断Zoom是否适合穿连衣裙,为导入新课做铺垫。) 2. 解读封面  Q1:Whose dress is this?  Q2:Why does Zoom like to wear a dress?  (设计意图:将Zoom穿妈妈裙子的图片设计为故事封面。Zoom是男生,他穿的裙子是谁的?为什么要穿裙子?通过一系列的问题激发学生的阅读兴趣。) 3. 完成故事拼图 (1) 还原图一  a.T:Oh,no.My story pictures.I don’t know which one is the first.Can you help me,please?  (指向图2)T:Who are they? S1:Zoom and Zip. T:Where are they? S2:Zoom’s home.  T:How do you know that?  S3:I see Zoom’s mum and dad.  T:Is he Zoom’s dad? Is he short/thin? What colour does he like? S4:... T:If that man is Zoom’s dad.Who’s that woman? What colour does she like? S5:She likes white,because she has a white wedding dress. b.感受并理解beautiful。 T:I want a wedding dress. c.出示婚纱图片。  T:Look! Wow! Beautiful!  T:Zoom’s mum is wearing a wedding dress. She’s so ____! Ss:... d.T:We are talking about Zoom’s mum and dad.What are Zoom and Zip talking about?So which one? (2) 还原图四、五、六  Q1:Look,they’re walking.Where are they going? Q2:What is he looking for?  Q3:Zoom is wearing a dress.Did Zoom’s parents see it? Q4:If you’re Zoom’s parents,what will you say to Zoom?  (设计意图:本环节将图片顺序打乱,图2、3除外。学生认真观察图片,根据教师的引导,逐渐完成故事拼图,推理故事情节。不仅激活学生语言,挖掘语言储备,还突破了本课的重点,使学生理解并学会运用了本课的生词“beautiful”。) Step2 While-reading  Read and answer:Who is beautiful? (设计意图:利用问题“Who is beautiful?”来贯穿整个故事,文中出现了三次“beautiful”,分别表达了三层含义。1.妈妈长得很漂亮;2.因为Zoom的妈妈是演员,所以妈妈的裙子很漂亮;3.妈妈爱Zoom,所以妈妈认为穿裙子的Zoom很漂亮。通过三层不同含义,将故事分为三个部分。) 1.Page1、2  beautiful—Zoom’s mum is beautiful!  (1) T:Zoom’s mum is beautiful! How do you know that? (2) 创设情境,学生分角色朗读。  (设计意图:beautiful的第一层含义是妈妈长得很漂亮,通过第一部分的学习,学生能理解第一层含义,并有感情地进行分角色朗读表演。) 2.Page3—5  Beautiful—The dress is beautiful! (1) 引导学生描述自己的妈妈。  T:My mum is tall,and yours?My mum has big eyes,and yours? My mum has a white dress,and yours?My mum is a teacher,and yours? (2) 理解并正确朗读actress。  T:What about Zoom’s mum?Is she a teacher? S6:No.She’s an actress. T: Do you know “actress”? a.出示女演员的照片。  T:She can sing/dance/dub/fly. They can do any emotion. b.区分actress和actor。  T:Is Hu Ge an actress?He is a man ,so he is an actor. c.Play a game:actresses and actors.  d.If your mum is an actress,what can she do?  (3) T: Zoom’s mum is a beautiful actress.Zoom is proud of his mum.Will he show us his mum’s dress? a. 出示图四、五  Zoom is looking for___.So he says:____. He puts on___.So he says:___.  b.Q1:Does Zip think Zoom is beautiful? Q2:Why does Zip say”Beautiful!”? Q3:Whose dress is this?  Zoom wants to tell Zip__________. (3) 创设情境,学生分角色朗读。  (设计意图:beautiful的第二层含义是因为Zoom的妈妈是演员,所以妈妈的裙子很漂亮。学生并不能准确地找到答案,因此通过一系列的问题,帮助学生在阅读过程中整合重要信息,引导学生理解并感受beautiful的第二层含义。在突破本课重点的过程中,使学生理解并学会运用了本课的生词“actress”。最后再有感情地进行分角色朗读表演。) 3.Page7  beautiful—Zoom is beautiful!  Q:Does Zoom’s mum think Zoom is beautiful?Why? She loves Zoom! 指名朗读。  (设计意图:情感体验。beautiful的第三层含义是妈妈爱Zoom,所以妈妈认为穿裙子的Zoom很漂亮。学生的直观感受是Zoom不漂亮,为什么Zoom的妈妈认为Zoom很漂亮?在教学的过程中引导学生体会,因为Zoom的妈妈爱Zoom,所以Zoom在他妈妈的心中是最漂亮的。) 4. Read the story again.  (设计意图:学生读懂整个故事后,自主进行阅读,使学生的情感能在阅读中表达出来。)  Step3 Post-reading 1.补全故事 Page6留白  T: Zoom wears her mum’s dress.What can he do?  (设计意图:故事第六页留白,能引起学生思考,发散学生思维。) 2. Act out the story.  (设计意图:学生能在团队合作中体会到学和用的乐趣,获得成就感,增强学习英语的兴趣和信心,增进同学情谊。)  3.Write a poem for the people you love.  (1) T:Zoom’s mum loves Zoom.Does Zoom loves his mum?Why? S7:Because his mum is beautiful. S8:Because his mum is an actress. S9:Because his mum loves him.  (2) T:Zoom loves his mum.So he wants to write a poem for his mum.Can you help him?  (3) T:Zoom loves his mum,what about you?Can you write a poem for them? (设计意图:此环节是学生语言输出的过程。通过写诗表达爱,将故事向现实生活迁移。) 4. 绘本推荐  (设计意图:激发学生阅读绘本的兴趣。)  Step4 Homework  Read and share the stories about family love. (设计意图:培养学生阅读绘本故事的习惯。)
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